Chapter 8

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It has been a few days since then, Alastor was still a bit iffy about being Lucifer's guard but he was glad Lucifer wasn't trying to do weird shit and even kinky shit to him unlike Lilith. Which he was grateful for despite him being iffy about it. And it seems like Vox and Alastor became really good friends as well.

Lucifer was then planning on cleaning the palace while Alastor was out doing his own thing. Lucifer decided to clean up Alastor's room just before he got distracted and decided to hug Alastor's blankets, it made him feel like Alastor was right by him. Then all of a sudden he heard the radio turn on and he heard Lilith trying to contact Alastor, Lucifer then got up and went to the radio.

"Alastor why haven't you been answering me lately?! And how come I can't put my chain on you?!" Lilith then said with an angry tone in her voice from the radio.

"Oh hello Lilith.... I want you to stop contacting Alastor this instant since well.... His soul doesn't belong to you.... Instead I have his soul but I won't treat him like how the hell you treated him.... And from the looks of it.... It seems you have treated him terribly.... Now just leave him alone for once Lilith, you don't own him anymore. And whatever business that was sooo important than your own family.... Hope you have fun wherever that little business trip is...." Lucifer then said as the last part of his sentence sounded hurt and betrayed.

"Lucifer wait! Please you don't understand!!" Lilith then said trying to convince him otherwise.

"No excuses.... I loved you for eons and you repaid me by leaving me alone to watch over our daughter...? I even fell from heaven because of you...! So no sorry.... Goodbye Lilith...." Lucifer said as he unplugged the radio.

Alastor then came back and saw Lucifer in his room. "What are you doing in my room?" Alastor then said as he tilted his head in confusion.

Lucifer then went to Alastor and hugged him as tears fell down from his face. "Uh what's this about?" Alastor then said a bit uncomfortable from the hug and wasn't sure what to do.

"Sorry.... I was cleaning your room and I guess Lilith was trying to contact you so I kinda told her off.... It just hurts mainly because she is one of the reasons I fell from heaven.... And she just leaves me and Charlie alone just to go do some business she was apparently doing for years..." Lucifer said as he was still hugging Alastor making Alastor's coat wet from his tears.

"Oh uh sorry that your wife is a bitch?" Alastor said not knowing what else to say to this.

"You're no good to comfort anyone aren't you...?" Lucifer said as he sniffled then he sneezed on Alastor's coat.

"Hey! Don't get your germs on me!" Alastor then said pushing Lucifer away then looked at his coat as his eye twitched. "How lovely.... My coat is contaminated...." Alastor said as he rolled his eyes.

"Well sorry about that. Also what's with you though??" Lucifer then said as he crossed his arms and looked away.

"What about me?" Alastor then said as he went to his closet to get a new coat he had saved.

"You completely just stopped flirting with me since that day.... What's up with that?" Lucifer said feeling a bit hurt as he looked down at the ground.

"..... I'm completely unable to love anyone whatsoever, been like that since I was alive so why would I love anyone now?" Alastor then said as took off his dirty coat and puts on the new one quickly before his little tail could ever be revealed.

"To really think I fell for you.... Fuck.... Damn asshole.." Lucifer said as he was fighting back tears.

"Well not my fault my charm always works, I thought it only worked out on the ladies but I guess it works for the King of Hell himself!~" Alastor giggled to himself like a teen girl finding that amusing as he fixed up his bowtie.

"So you were a player in your time when you were alive?" Lucifer then said getting annoyed by this fact.

"Hm nah, more like playful flirting that's it! I just found it hilarious doing so! Nothing wrong with that!~" Alastor said still with a confident smile on his face.

"Nothing wrong with that?! Are my feelings a joke to you?!" Lucifer then said as tears fell down again but this time heartbroken as his voice cracks up.

Alastor then turned to see Lucifer as he tilted his head, but somehow he felt a bit guilty? He shook his head telling himself that was nothing important.

"Well I'm sorry I guess?" Alastor then said as he sighs. "Not my fault I have no heart" He then told Lucifer as Lucifer clenches his chest from the heartbreak.

"Fuck you.... At least be grateful that I freed you from Lilith...." Lucifer said as he walked out with tears in his eyes.

Alastor just looked at Lucifer with some guilt in his eyes. He wasn't sure why he felt guilty at all, but he wanted to shake that feeling away but somehow he couldn't as he sighs before seeing his radio unplugged as he plugged it in to listen to his music as he lays down on his bed as he hums to the music on his radio. He was also trying to forget about that guilty feeling for Lucifer.

But..... For some reason the guilt wouldn't leave him.... He was annoyed at this and hated it so much.....

To be continued!!

Even though it's pretty short, hopefully you enjoyed this chapter.

"A Single Dad" Radioapple/Appleradio Story Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu