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King Alexander's face instantly faded, and he fled, followed by Alpha. The guards were lying on the floor, and each guard had a letter above his head spelling out the name of the king, Alexander. Everyone was killed with a knife, with a mark of

"Vampire," Alpha murmured. He saw that mark when he was the beta of the previous alpha. He said their symbol meant danger, and if they had ever seen it, he should immediately report it to him. The mark was already copied in his mind. 

"Cowards, They killed them behind their backs; we will take revenge," the king shouted, falling to the ground. Stephen held his body, taking him back inside the castle. 

Alpha looked at the letter lying on the floor. 

The letter says 

"Give her or get ready for the absolute bloodbath, King Alexander."

He knew the vampires would go to any extent to get her. He had seen the cruelty of Prince Stervix in the war. He was the beast who couldn't be ignored at all. He will go to any extent to make her his. 

During that time, Athea received the news and immediately ran towards the castle. She was walking around with Rayna when suddenly she saw people running towards the castle screaming the word "war."

She grew alert and fled.

Her eyes fell on the crying people, watching their kids lying on the floor. She fell on her knees, looking at the blood all over the ground. She saw this image in her dream, but today it was in front of her eyes.

"Princess Athea, look, my child is sleeping," one of the mothers said, touching her lifeless body. Tears fell from her eyes, but she wiped them away, hugging her child. 

"Princess Athea," they cried hard in front of her. 

The letter hits her face, and she is stunned.
She looked at the letter, reading each and every word. She knew this warning came from the vampire kingdom, and it was not in vain. They will fulfill everything written on the paper. She couldn't look at her people sacrificing their lives for her. 

Rayna and Fredrick have also been to see her. They knew she needed them the most. She was still on the ground; she couldn't look at her people crying for their children. They were the ones with whom she had grown up.

"Princess, look what they have done to our child!" they cried. She didn't speak, but was looking at her people crying in front of her. Some were holding her hand, and some were on their knees. 

Rayna and Frederick took her inside, back to the castle, towards her chamber. King Alexander was taken care of by the doctors. He was about to faint and was taken by his trusted guards. 

"I want to see my father," Athea announced.

Rayna looked at his brother, and he nodded.
Golden also came and sat beside her. She didn't pat his head the way she had before. He snuggled on her lap, trying to get her attention, but she didn't respond. She stood up, going out to meet her father.

She was about to go inside his chamber, but was stopped by Stephen. 

"Princess, you are not allowed to go inside," he informed her.

"You are stopping a princess," she said. 

"But I am following the King's rule; he didn't want to see anyone tight now," he informed her. 

"Not even his daughter," she said, and he nodded. She pushed his hand away, going inside her father's chamber. Her father was lying on the bed, and the doctors were looking at him. 

"Princess," they bowed their heads. 

"What happened to him?" She asked. 

"He didn't sleep well for some nights, Princess; due to this, he had a problem with low blood sugar," they replied and went out. She cried hard, holding his hands and resting her head over his shoulders. 

He had taken on so much pressure due to the upcoming war. She knew her father wouldn't let her worry about anything, but it was all related to her. She was the one who caused problems for him. 

"Father, nothing is more important than you; not even myself." She murmured, hugging him hard. 

Tears flowed from her eyes.

"People are waiting for their king, and you were lying on the bed because of me; they need you, father," she sobbed hard.

She looked at his father's face; the wrinkles could be clearly seen, but he was still a charming person, and his aura couldn't be neglected. 

"I am ready to sacrifice myself for my kingdom." She made up her mind to sacrifice herself for the sake of her kingdom. "Please don't worry about me and get some rest." She kissed his cheeks and went out. 

"I apologize, princess, but King had ordered me not to let you know about his health problems," Stephen said. She shook her head and went back into her room. 

She went to bed and looked up at the ceiling. The tears of his own people had arisen in front of his eyes. They were begging her to let their innocent children come alive. 

She couldn't see this.

 The war, 

Her people are dying before her,
She couldn't. 

She turned a blind eye, and it all went dark. 

During this time, Stervix was sitting on the throne. Maids came inside, poured his glass with the drink.   He took a sip, and his eyes were all red.

the color of lust and blood.

He was craving for one, but not for another's blood—for her blood, his soon-to-be slave.

"Lord, we have fulfilled your duty," his guards said, lowering their heads. He threw his glass away, laughing hard. 

"They must have received my letter until now; interesting; they should know the consequences of announcing the war against us; let the celebration begin," he shouted, and the guards laughed. 

They had their drinks filled by the maids. They all trembled in fear. Some held hands, making them kneel, and others appreciated the performance. 

Stervis was pleased. He pulled out her handkerchief and exhaled. Although her smell disappeared, but her name was still there. 

"The days are numbered, Princess, to be my princess slave," he whispered and laughed hard.

VAMPIRE'S KING PRINCESS SLAVE Where stories live. Discover now