Chapter 12 Sledgehammer

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Chapter 12 Sledgehammer

This chapter is set in 1990. Poppy moved to Liberty City, and Donald had recently moved back.

Paulie's Revue Bar. Red Light District, Portland, Liberty City.

Poppy went for her job interview.

Paulie Sindacco " hello Poppy, so you're here for the interview! "

Poppy " yes Mr. Sindacco "

Paulie " oh hun, call me Paulie, everyone does "

Poppy smiled. Then they went to his office.

Paulie " congratulations sweetie, you're hired, your shift starts at 10:00 pm tonight "

Poppy " thank you Paulie "

Poppy went out. As she walked towards Saint Mark's. A young man got out of his car and approached her.

Man " you alright good lookin'? "

Poppy " yes, thank you sir "

Man " an English lady, I take it you're new here? "

Poppy " yes, I just moved here from Vice City, but I'm originally from London "

Man " my name is Vincenzo, but I'm also known as Vinnie "

Poppy " nice to meet you Vincenzo, I'm Poppy "

Vincenzo " such a gorgeous name for a gorgeous girl " ♥️

Poppy " aww thank you Vincenzo " 😊

Vincenzo " would you like a lift? you took kinda lost "

Poppy " yes please, I am lost "

Vincenzo " hop in sweetheart, I'll give you a lil tour of Portland "

Poppy " really? that's so sweet of you Vincenzo "

They got in. And Vincenzo showed Poppy around.

Vincenzo " up that driveway there, is Salvatore's Gentlemen's Club, own by my boss, Salvatore Leone, and there's also Portland Beach "

Poppy " wow, your boss, that's so cool "

Vincenzo " when your at his place, you get the view of Harwood "

Vincenzo drove to Harwood.

Vincenzo " and then you can see his place from here, it's fuckin great "

He showed Poppy some more spots.

Vincenzo " I'll give you my number, if you wanna talk or anything, give me a call "

Poppy " I will, thank you Vincenzo, you've been such a sweetheart "

Poppy kissed his cheek. Then he dropped her off at Portland View. He winked at her, then drove towards Trenton.

Poppy walked around Portland View, then a police officer walked towards her.

Officer " are you alright there? "

Poppy " yes officer, thank you " 😊

Officer " are you new here? "

Poppy " yes "

Officer " well, over there is the Sweeney General Hospital, and in front of us is the Portland Liberty City Police Department "

Poppy " wow, thank you for showing me " 😊

Officer " it's a pleasure to help such a beautiful young lady "

Poppy " thank you " ☺️

The officer smiled, then walked away.

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