Chapter 3

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Hilo (pronounced: Hi-low) I apologize about the giant paragraphs. I usually write these chapters on Google Docs and when I copied and pasted them on here something must have happened. I did an extra 1000 words than I usually do.

Chapter 3: "Ella, huh?" Andra chuckled. "Nice to meet you. I'm Andra."

"Likewise, Andra," Rapunzel replied, a genuine smile on her face as she examined the fabrics before her.

Andra gestured towards the bolts of fabric. "Looking for something in particular, Ella?" Rapunzel pretended to ponder for a moment. "I think I want something bright and lively. Something to bring a little joy into my life, you know?"

Andra raised an eyebrow, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Joy, huh? Well, lucky for you, I've got just the thing. A fabric that screams 'don't ruin my happiness.'" 

Rapunzel laughed, feeling a sense of camaraderie with this stranger. "Show me, Andra." 

Andra picked up a vibrant yellow fabric with floral patterns. "Here we go, the sunshine in textile form. Perfect for lifting the spirits." 

Rapunzel examined the fabric, appreciating the bold colors. "I like it. How much for a few yards?" 

Andra smirked, "For you, my new friend, a special discount. Let's say... two silver coins?" 

Rapunzel haggled playfully, "Two silvers? How about one and a half?" 

Andra pretended to consider it. "Deal. One and a half it is. But only because you have such a convincing smile." Rapunzel handed over the coins, pleased with her purchase. 

As Andra folded the fabric, she glanced at Rapunzel curiously. "So, Ella, what brings you to the market today? Besides the quest for joy-inducing fabrics." Rapunzel hesitated, debating how much to share. "Just needed a break from the usual routine. Life on the farm can be a bit monotonous, you know?" Andra chuckled, "Monotonous, huh? Well, you're in luck. You've stumbled upon the most thrilling fabric stall in the kingdom." They both laughed, and Raenjoyednjoying Andra's company more than she expected. As they strolled through the market, Andra shared snippets of her life as a seamstress, weaving humor into her tales. "So, Ella, what's life like on the farm?" Andra asked, genuinely interested. Rapunzel decided to play along, weaving a fictional narrative of a farmer's daughter named Ella who spent her days tending to crops and animals. "It's a simple life, you know? Waking up with the roosters, working the fields, and enjoying the fresh air." Andra teased, "Sounds idyllic. I bet you've got a charming farm boy waiting for you back home." Rapunzel chuckled, "Oh, you know it. He's got the bluest eyes and the clumsiest charm." Andra smirked, "A perfect match, then. But hey, if you ever need a fabulous outfit for your secret romance, you know where to find me." As they continued their conversation, Rapunzel found herself opening up to Andra in ways she hadn't expected. The carefree banter and shared laughter eased the weight on her shoulders, at least for a little while. Eventually, Andra glanced at the sun beginning its descent. "Well, Ella, it's been a pleasure, but duty calls. I have some sewing to do before the day ends." Rapunzel nodded, grateful for the distraction. "Thank you for thendra. I'll definitely be back for more fabrics." Andra winked, "Looking forward to it, Ella. Take care of that charming farm boy of yours." As Andra disappeared into the busy market, Rapunzel stood there, a conflicting mix of emotions swirling within her. For a brief moment, she forgot the complexities of her royal identity and the recent tragedy. In the mundane yet vibrant world of the market, she found a respite, a taste of normalcy that she desperately craved. And so, she headed back to the castle, the fabric in her arms a colorful reminder of the unexpected connection she had found in a stranger named Andra.

Meanwhile, back at the castle, the tension between King Fredrick and Queen Ariana had reached a boiling point. The news of Mother Gothel's execution had ignited a heated argument in the royal chambers. "How could you, Ariana? Executing her like that, without even consulting me! She raised our daughter!" King Fredrick's voice thundered through the room. Ariana, defensive and resolute, responded, "Fredrick, she was a threat to our kingdom. We couldn't let her roam freely. And Rapunzel needed to know the truth about her." "didtruth is that you made a decision without considering the consequences! And now, our daughter is out there, angry and grief-stricken." Ariana's eyes flashed with frustration. "She needed to face the reality, Fredrick. We can't keep her sheltered forever. This kingdom has enemies, and we need to protect it." The argument spiraled into a clash of ideals, each defending their stance with unwavering determination. The room echoed with the echoes of their raised voices, a stark contrast to the tranquility that once filled the castle walls. Their heated exchange was abruptly interrupted by the entrance of Colden, Rapunzel's tutor. His presence demanded attention as he addressed the royals with urgency. "Your Majesties, forgive the intrusion, but Princess Rapunzel is missing. She did not attend her scheduled lessons this morning, and her chambers are empty."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10 ⏰

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