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Decades ago...

The wind howled in our ears, the sand prickling our eyes, nearly making it impossible to hear or see. What we could register, however, was our own tired bodies shutting down from the numerous hours of walking in these dunes. We were warned of what we were going to have to traverse, but it wasn't as if we took that warning and threw it away. 

Nevertheless, we weren't entirely certain of what we were really dealing with. 

The sandstorm blew in hours ago, making the journey that was already tough even harder than it was before. We wanted to rest, but we knew that if we did, it would insure that we would never get up again.

"Are you daydreaming again, sister? You got to stay awake. I'm cutting out here." Zahra, my energetic sister, says from behind me.

I glance over my shoulder to see her brown hair everywhere around her, each strand standing individually on either side of her head like she got zapped by lightning. Her brown eyes squinted against the morning sun, and whether or not they were judging me by my unwell apparel or annoyed behavior, I wasn't entirely sure.

"No, Zahra. I'm fine." I say, and turn back around, continuing on walking.

The wagon that I've been carrying for hours now has my arms aching, but I keep on moving. My sister feels the same pain that I do, although she doesn't show it. 

She's always been good at keeping her emotions inside. Never letting anyone assess them except for her.

"I swear, Rihana, if we die before we get to the Orb..." Zahra trails off behind me, both lost in her thoughts and stumbling over her words.

"We're not going to die, Zahra. Have some faith, will you? We're nearly there."

I hear her scoff from behind me and mutter a small 'if you say so' before going into silence.


When we arrive at our destination, we drop the wagon and stretch our arms. The Temple of Destiny lies ahead, its gray stone craftsmanship intruding on the plain gold of the dunes. 

Where in drawings they depicted the Temple having spires that reached the sky to no end with overwhelming glory, in front of me seemed to have the opposite effect. There were no spires that reached for the sky, just a plain old square temple was in full view. 

There was something off about it, though. The blue light coming from one of the holes in the Temple had me wondering if we weren't the only ones that had set out for it.

"Well, what are we waiting for, Ri? It's right in front of us! Come on!" Zahra cries, grabbing her knapsack and running off towards the Temple.

I sigh inwardly, knowing all too well that I'd be a fool not to follow her. Yet, there is a voice telling me that something is wrong, that we shouldn't enter the Temple, that we'd probably meet our deaths if we were to take one step into that cursed place. 

But, after all, she is my sister, and that means that wherever she goes, I follow. 

So, with nothing else to do, I run after her.


When I get to the doors of the Temple, I find that they were slightly open, as if someone had gone inside recently. I know all too well who that could have been. Gripping my knapsack tightly, I push the door and walk into the Temple. Almost immediately I am blinded by blue light, and I raise an arm to shield my eyes from the glare. From what I could see from the corner of my eye, there are statues on each side of the Temple made completely out of stone. When the light subsides, I lower my arm and my mouth drops open. 

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