There's No Place Like Home Part II

Start from the beginning

"You're also quite humble, I'd like to add." I laughed as I watched my gorgeous blond wife get up and head to the toaster. 

"I know I'm pretty much perfect," Arizona's dimpled grin was on full display. "Do you want some of the hard boiled eggs I made this morning or maybe an English muffin? We still have some of the peanut butter with cinnamon that you and Sophia like so much."

"Actually, that sounds wonderful between the eggs and peanut butter. I'm actually shocked too that we haven't polished off that jar of PB since we've both been home this week."

"I guess miracles can still happen, huh, Dr. Torres?"

About that time we saw Sophia stumble into the kitchen, sit and then put her forehead down on the table.

"Good morning sweetheart, how did you sleep? It was a packed bed last night with the 4 of us sharing it. Tonight we'll make sure you are back in your room so you'll sleep better."

As Arizona spoke, she was busy putting together my breakfast plate before she set it in front of my reach and then kissed Soph.

Still not moving her head, Sophia said, "What are we doing today?"

"We're going to make pizza for dinner and stay around the house. We will do something tomorrow but your Mama and I figured with the crazy weather we'd stay home."

"Okay, sounds fine to me. What's for breakfast?" She finally picked up her head and was more or less looking to Arizona for an answer.

"You can have what your Mom is eating, or we have cereal or oatmeal."

"Eggs don't sound good this morning, can I have oatmeal with brown sugar and cinnamon?"

Arizona was starting to clean-up Maddy's food as she said, "I thought you might want oatmeal and made extra when I cooked Maddy's. Give me a couple minutes Bug, and I'll get your food."

Soph and I ended up having our breakfasts together as Arizona went to give Maddy a bath. Seems like usual she got more oatmeal in her hair than in her mouth during the meal.

After we ate, I felt more lively but decided to have more coffee to keep me going. By the time I got dressed, I realized my family was already in the media room together. Soph was watching TV, Maddy was cruising around in her walking chair and Arizona was looking through the newspaper.

Arizona had started a fire that looked like it was beginning to burn more intensely. I snuggled into Arizona's chest, as she sat upright but with her legs extended in front of her. She very sweetly covered me up with a throw blanket as she wrapped her arms around me and deeply kissed me.

Sophia was laying on the floor with her back to us when she said, "I can hear you guys..."

We both laughed as I said, "We know and it's what motivates us to kiss each other when you're around because we know how much you enjoy seeing or hearing us be lovey with one another."

"Great..." Soph was trying to sound annoyed but we could tell she was more or less laughing at our way of torturing her.

Arizona had put down the newspaper by now and we started watching the movie that was playing. It was a movie we had grown up with and introduced to Sophia. She fell in love with it and would watch it every so often. At least for a change it was a movie I didn't mind watching again and again.

After a half hour of cuddling Arizona, the heat from the fire made me nod off. I managed to take a 45 minute nap which is an impressive feat in a home with a baby. 

"Callie? Sweetie? Sorry to wake you, but I need to use the bathroom." Arizona had gently started to slip out of our embrace as I started coming around. I decided to get up too and go relieve my own bladder.

The Aftermath of Callie and Arizona - Volume IIWhere stories live. Discover now