Chapter 23 - Final Three

Start from the beginning

As I reach the middle of my shift, the rain suddenly stops. It's as if someone flipped a switch, leaving only the gentle sound of water dripping from the branches. The moon emerges from behind the clouds, casting a soft glow over the inside of the cave. I marvel at its beauty, wondering if it's real or just a projection created by the Gamemakers.

My mind races as I try to calculate how long it's been since I got here. It's hard to keep track of time when the Gamemakers can manipulate it at their will, But if they hadn't altered it too much, I'd guess about two weeks in the arena and the week of preparation in the Capitol. I've been gone for three weeks.

For the first time since entering the arena, I allowed myself to think of what might await me back home. Fame, wealth, my own house in Victor's Village. My dad would finally be able to retire and we'd have all the food we could ever want without having to fish for it. It's a new kind of freedom. But then what? What would my daily routine be like? I spend a good portion of my day fishing for Wren's family and mine. Take that away and I'm not sure who I am. Then I think about Finnick, with all his victories and rewards— stardom, admiration, women flocking to him. But at what cost? Haymitch, who spends most of his waking hours drunk, has also won these Games. I don't want to end up like that.

The sun rises, casting its light onto Peeta's sleeping face. What will he become once we return home? The charming and deceptive boy who has convinced all of Panem that he is hopelessly in love with me? Even I find myself believing it at times. We're friends, but what will happen to our relationship when we return? Will I ever see him again? Will he become a mentor for his District like Haymitch? Like I eventually will?

Discomfort causes me to move, gently shaking Peeta awake. He stirs and opens his eyes with a sleepy smile. In that instant, he pulls me down for a long kiss. "We're wasting fishing time," I say when I finally break away.

"I don't know if I'd call it wasting," he smiles, giving a big stretch as he sits up.

I portion out the remaining stew and rice, piling a generous amount onto Peeta's plate. He looks at it in disbelief. "All this?" he asks incredulously. I nod.

"We'll earn it back after today," I reassure him before digging into my plate. Despite being cold, the dish still tastes incredible. I abandon my fork and use my finger to scrape up the last bits of gravy, savoring every last drop. "I can feel Victoria shuddering at my manners," I say.

"Your escort is weird about that, too?" Peeta asks with a chuckle, "Effie would have a fit if she saw you right now."

I laugh and nod in agreement, "she never explicitly mentioned table manners, but if she saw me slouching..." I trail off with a smile.

"Effie too," Peeta laughs, "Hey Effie, watch this!" With a mischievous grin, Peeta tosses his fork over his shoulder and proceeds to lick the plate clean with loud, exaggerated sounds of satisfaction. He then blows a playful kiss.

"Stop it!" I laugh, trying to stay serious, "what if Cato's outside?"

"Do you think he'd be jealous that Effie got a kiss and not him?" Peeta retorts with a grin, and we're both laughing again, momentarily forgetting the danger of our situation.

"Come on," I say in exasperation, removing myself from his grasp, but he manages to sneak one last kiss in before we pack up our belongings and step outside of the cave. Our carefree mood quickly shifts to one of seriousness. The last few days have felt almost like a vacation, sheltered by rocks and rain and Cato's focus on Thresh. But now, with the sun shining down on us, we both feel like we're back in the Games.

Peeta checks how sharp Marvel's knife is before slipping it into his belt. "He'll be hunting us by now," he says grimly. "Cato isn't one to wait for his prey to come to him."

Fluid Heart, Firey Soul (Peeta Mellark x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now