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'i still remember, 3rd of december'

as you were playing soccer for gym, it started to get cold outside. you only brought a short sleeve shirt, the weather app said it was supposed to be in the 70s.

damn weather.

if anyone had eyes, they could see you were getting cold, you started to rub your hands against your arms and your passes got weaker.

lynn loud jr., your forever crush, she came up to you. you didn't know what for, but you were happy she did.

"hey, you okay? i'm noticing your passes and shots are slacking." she asked, worried for her fellow classmate.

you nodded with a tight smile, "yup, just a little cold. i'll be okay though." you told her and was about to pass the ball again but she stopped you.

"no, here. take my sweater. you're freezing." she said, taking off her sweater and handing it to you.

you looked down at it and looked back up at her eyes. "then you'll just be cold." you told her as you pushed her hand away.

'me in your sweater, you said it looked better in me than it did you'

"i'm used to it, it'll be fine. i insist." she said back and handed it back to you. you sighed but smiled, "thank you, lynn."

she smiled back at you, "of course. and look, it even looks better on you." she spoke and ran back to margo and another girl.

you were screaming on the inside, you couldn't stop smiling the whole gym hour, it was incredible. you couldn't believe that just happened. to you, she was the best girl to exist, to you she seemed like the best girlfriend ever.

'only if you knew, how much I liked you'

gym ended and you were now headed to biology, lizbeth by your side. "so, how'd gym go?" she asked as you two went up the stairs.

"um, it was actually the best. she gave me her sweater." you told her. you were calm now but once you got home you'd be screaming later.

"awn, that's so cute. you guys are made for each other." lizbeth stated as you two made it into bio.

you sat in your assigned seat and moments later, lynn walked in. she smiled at you and waved, you returning the favor.

lizbeth squealed at you and you just kept smiling, cheesing hard as hell. "stop it, liz. i'm gonna beat you with one of mr. gomez frogs." you told her, she just laughed.

'but i watch your eyes as she walks by'

"not if i get to them first, you know how fast i am." lizbeth spoke, you just scoffed at her playfully, "yea you wish."

suddenly, everyone got quiet. heather and her little minions walked in, you can tell she was looking at someone.

you followed her eye and saw lynn, lynn had a star struck look on her face. this look in her eyes you couldn't explain but she looked at heather that way.

it made your heart ache. your eyes followed heather all the way until she sat right next to lynn.

"hi, lynnie." she spoke sweetly, lynn leaned into her. the biggest smile on her face.

'what a sight for sore eyes, brighter than the blue sky'

you couldn't help but feel hopeless. there's no way you could compete with heather, she's beautiful.

she has long luscious hair, the prettiest brown eyes and a body to die for. she was the beauty standard. better yet, she was lynn's beauty standard. you honestly don't blame lynn for falling for her.

'she's got you mesmerized, while i die.'

Lizbeth !

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Lizbeth !

Lizbeth !

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Heater !

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