23 || M A R C I D

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Abby turns around in her seat almost immediately after Xander sits down. I roll my eyes at her antics before laying my head down on my desk. My eyes flutter close and I can feel my exhaustion start to get the best of me. "So, Xander..." Abby trails off.

"Si?" He questions.

"Did you do yesterday's homework?" She asks him.

"Yes..." I can't see them, but I could hear the suspicion in his voice. He's not comfortable.

Despite my sleepiness, I raise my head to see Xander leaning back in his seat and Abby leaning forward onto his desk. Putting her elbows on it like she has a right to. Bitch. "Baby," I call out softly to him, tearing his attention away from her so fast I'm embarrassed for her. "I'm cold. Can I borrow your coat?"

He moves so quickly I almost miss it. "Of course, milady," He says to me as he pulls the coat off the back of his chair. Instead of just handing it to me, Xander stands up and walks over to my desk. "Here you go, princess," He whispers, "thank you."

I take it from him with a slight grin, "I have no idea what you're talking about." I shrug on the jacket and instantly fall in love with it. It smells so good.

He chuckles, and it makes me melt into a puddle. "Sure you don't."

"Just so you know," I inform him, "I will be stealing this jacket from you. So, I hope you have more cause I won't give it back for a while."

"I more than okay with that, princess," He smiles so big his dimple on his right cheek shows. He leans down and kisses my forehead gently.

Butterflies erupt throughout my stomach as I feel heat traveling through my body. My head tilts down and to the side to hide my face from him as I grin and bite my tongue with a blush. He's too gosh darn cute. How is it even legal for him to be this adorable.

The last thing I hear is his chuckle as he takes his seat again. I pull on the sleeves so they cover my hands and slouch down in my chair. My face feels like it's on fire right now! Luckily for me, the bell rings soon after, so I can focus on my work instead of him.

The hour and a half flies by quicker than I expected. I barely finish my work before the bell rung. I have about...four to five minutes left.

The remaining minutes, I use to pack my stuff up and just scroll on instagram for a little bit till the bell rings. I stand up and pull my book bag onto my shoulders. Internally whining at how heavy it is. I mean seriously, how is it legal for book bags to be this heavy?

Grabbing my lunch box, I wait at the end of my row for Xander. His smile grows twice its normal size when he spots me waiting for him. "Hey, princess," He whispers as he kisses my forehead.

I blush again. God, this is starting to become a habit around him. "Hi," I mumble back shyly. His hands grab the lunchbox from my arms. I go to protest, but one look from him has me shutting my mouth. He shoots me proud smirk before walking towards the door. I follow after him like a little puppy not wanting to be left by itself.

We walk in somewhat awkward, somewhat comfortable silence to my next class. It doesn't take us long to reach my next class. Xander pulls us to the side. I awkwardly fiddle with my fingers as my eyes stare at the floor.

His fingers lift my chin up, so my eyes are forced to his. "What are you thinking about?" He asks quietly.

I shrug my shoulders. Honestly my mind is a mess right now. I've never been in a situation like this before, it feels weird. A good weird but still weird.  "I don't know."

He smiles at him, "Tell me when you do?" I smile back and nod. "Good girl," He murmurs as he bends down to press a kiss to my forehead. I melt into him as soon as the words leave his mouth in that panty-dripping accent of his.

MarielleTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang