Chapter 18(Anti Theses 4) A Neko-Raiju's Cyclops beef

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Sorry if I took so long I was planning on how to do this chapter as I had hit a wall in the idea department. If it sucks don't hesitate to comment since criticism helps. Also 3.51k views I'm grateful that you guys like this story, you guys are the fucking best plus, this chapter is where the new addition of Iwatani's Harem is revealed, now onto the chapter.

A few days after the arrest of Mako Yakomaru the higher ups watched from the shadows but also in shock.

??: I didn't expect those bastards to break her mentally.

???: She was tough person but what those purebreds and half breeds did to her was just something we didn't expect.

???: let's not forget those new students as well what Yakomaru told us before she was kicked out was that the Daughter of Gilgamesh was involved including Merlin's son.

???:Wait, Wait, Wait. You're saying that the children of legendary people are here in Yokai Academy? Oh boy this is gonna ruin everything we planned for.

A day later, Hiroshi is sparring with Emiko as Satoshi and girls were watching.

Satoshi: It's kind of good for Emiko to spar someone that isn't me.

Kurumu: I'm guessing she spars in combat?

Satoshi: Well she learned how to use the gates of Babylon from her father and weapons from Some of the servants But in hand to hand combat.

Satoshi: Well she learned how to use the gates of Babylon from her father and weapons from Some of the servants But in hand to hand combat

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Satsohi: E-rank like Archer.

In Chaldea Archer who was cooking then felt a something.

Archer: ok who is talking shit about me?

Gilgamesh: Shut up Faker!!

Hiroshi: Well your fighting style lacks strategy I may be mediocre in swords but in hand to hand combat I have the advantage. Remember you're the Daughter of Gilgamesh you might adapt to the combat like he did.

Emiko: Thanks. Ugh but I will beat you next time Iwatani.

Hiroshi: I will welcome it now gets some rest.

After that spar match Tsukune went to talk to Moka who was still doubted herself especially after nearly killing him thanks to the puppeteer Outcast.

Meanwhile a new student came as they entered the academy.

???:So this is yokai academy? I didn't expect Roshi to appear here?

???:It's been awhile since Roshi's dad transferred after he got expelled.

The girl walked a few minutes into the room she spotted a few faces and turned into a cat.

The girl walked a few minutes into the room she spotted a few faces and turned into a cat

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