Mission: Crush Interference

Start from the beginning

    "Misaki, that was so close! Oh, hey Bepo." Usopp said before dragging me away.

   "Nice to meet you Bepo!" I waved as I got dragged. "Hope we can talk later!"

   Bepo smiled and waved at me and I internally squealed. Oh my God he is adorable! Almost as cute as Chopper!

  '"Misaki, focus." Usopp muttered. "You need to stay in the group."

   "Everybody was making fun of me!" I said, whipping my head around as he dragged me back toward the others.

   "Then you need to at least stay nearby!"

   "How about I just go to the girl's room?" I asked, my shoulders slumping.

  "What? No. You don't have to do that!" He said, stopping and looking at me.

   "I'm tired anyways." I said, "I think it's easier if I just go take a nap"


   "See you guys." I said, a little louder so everybody could hear.

   I wasn't lying, I really was tired. But I was also pretty dejected. With the way everybody was teasing me, I was feeling a lot worse about my little issue. It's not like it was on purpose! It wasn't like I could tell my body to stop reacting like that. It was as preventable as those stupid nightmares. All hiding it did was give me anxiety, and taking a nap was far less exhausting.

   I got into the girl's room and was surprised to see Robin hanging out on her bed, reading a book. Normally, she would be reading outside in the sun, but once in a while she would hole herself up with a really good book in her room for zero distractions. I grinned when I realized it was one of the book series I had given her from my world.

  "Hey Robin." I said, plopping in my bed and settling in.

   "Ok." She said, immediately shutting the book. "What's wrong?"

   I sighed, unsure what to say.

"Come on, Misaki. You can talk to me."

"Ugghhh. I just... I knew about you guys on the other side. Did I ever tell you that?"

  "No, you didn't."

   "Well, there's like a show about you guys. And I was sort of a big fan of Law."

  "A fan?"

   "Like, don't get me wrong. I wasn't Bartelemeo status, but I definitely liked him a lot."


   "And I feel like... I don't know... my body is reacting like it's a crush! And I really don't want to upset Luffy!"

   "M' it's perfectly natural to have a crush on someone!"

   "But Luffy only has feelings for me! I'd be so upset if he was crushing on someone else!"

   "Well, do you plan to cheat on Luffy?"

   "What the Hell, Robin! I would never!"

   "So you're saying just because you are crushing on someone else doesn't mean you want them."

   "I... huh... I feel like I heard something like that already." I said, wondering why it felt like deja vu. Weird. "I don't know, I just know I was very reactive and it makes me feel bad."

Robin hummed in response and I felt my eyelids get heavier. We exchanged a few words before she picked her book back up. Next thing I knew, I was waking back up to a very concerned Robin.

"Again?" I breathed.


"Ugh, these stupid dreams!" I said, throwing my hands in the air and jumping out of bed.


"No, it's fine! I'm just gonna head out for a bit."

On my way out of the door towards the deck, I ran headlong into Law and promptly fell to the ground.

"Ack! What the Helllll" is wrong with me?!!! I looked up as I was rubbing my head and my face lit up as red as an apple. "So uhhh... S-Sorry!"

Law stood there, looking down at me with a weird expression on his face.

"That's the second time today." He grumbled, making me internally swoon at his broody-ness. I heard Luffy laughing behind him and quickly jumped up and pulled my scarf over my nose.

"Sorry, really! I don't know why I keep bumping into you today." I said, placing my hands together and doing a little apologetic bow. I was actually trying to hide my red face, though. My heart banged around like an idiot.

"Hehahaha! It's like you guys are magnets!" Luffy said, throwing an arm around me. I blushed and turned my head away from them both. This cannot be happening.

"Oh, hey guys! Come look what this baby can do!" Usopp said, waving the two over. He shot me an apologetic look and kept beckoning them over.

Luffy grinned at me and gave me a little shake. "Law is gonna stay for dinner! Try not to run into him on the way to the table, hehehee." I cringed, making him laugh and poke me gently on the cheek.

"Come on, Luffy! Bepo! You too!" Usopp yelled. And with that, Luffy released me and ran toward the rest of the crew. Thank you Usopp.

   I then saw Bepo doing the cutest little run toward the group I had ever seen. I couldn't help but make a shocked face at his adorable little run. So cute!

    I breathed a sigh of relief as the crew plus Bepo and Law got rowdy a little further away from me. Law wasn't really being rowdy, however. He was more of the broody type, even more so than Zoro. He was sitting at the edge of his group, leaning against his sword when his eyes drew up to meet with mine.

   AGH SHIT HE CAUGHT ME LOOKING AT HIM!!!! I quickly averted my eyes, whistling to myself as his eyebrows pulled together into a curious look. Noooooo! Don't look at me like that. I took a deep breath and ducked back into the hallway — away from the crew. I took a deep breath to settle my stupid heart and put my face in my hands. I felt like I could jump out of my own skin at any moment.

    What is WRONG with me???

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