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I was sitting in my  bedroom, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness as i prepared for my date with Conrad. I had chosen a cute black dress and I was carefully doing my makeup, trying to make sure everything was perfect. Just as I was finishing up, Nora walked into the room.

Nora froze, taking in my appearance. "Oh my god, you look amazing! Where are you going?"

I sighed, my nerves settling a bit as I  saw Nora's enthusiasm. "I have a date tonight, actually."

Nora's eyes widened. "No way! With who?"

"Yes  of course," I said with a smile.

Nora grinned. "Okay, okay. Everything I would do, you've done. You look great. Good luck!"

As I reached his house I knocked, he opened the door and I felt a mix of excitement and nervousness wash over me and my heart skipped a beat when I caught my first glimpse of him he was standing there talk and handsome as ever with an endearing smile on his face but what really got my attention was the familiar sight of his dimple I love his dimple did I tell him that yet am not sure it's fine I will tell him in the future.

"Hey" I said my voice barely above whisper as I stepped inside after the surprising peck on the cheek last Friday I was eager to see him although we texted and he called me it
was not like seeing each other as I entered his house he walked me to his library I was expecting us to stop at the library at his sitting room.

"Is this not your library" I asked when we walked pass the library at his sitting room.

"Oh no that is my work library" he said

"Okay" I said

As we walked Conrad pointed out various items of interest in the hall and explained their historical significance.

He was passionate about his collection and I was fascinated by his enthusiasm.

when we reached the library, he ushered me in revealing a huge, spacious room filled with books from floor to ceiling, the walls where lined with book cases and the floor was covered in plush carpet, creating a cost atmosphere.

I looked around in amazement, taking in the sheer amount of knowledge contained within the walls.

This is incredible I exclaimed, Conrad smiled clearly proud of his collection "I'm glad you like it" he said "it's one of my favourite place filled with my most treasured possession" he said then went on to explain the significance of the book he had collected over the year, sharing his love of literature and history with me.

Then we move to a part in the library, the smell of aged paper fills the air then I spot a  small table, set up with a bottle of  wine and  two glasses, a cozy blanket is folded neatly on one of the chairs seeing the cozy set up, I can't help but smile, it's clear that Conrad put a lot of thought into creating a comfortable space for us to enjoy each others company.

I sat on the chair, I pour myself a glass of wine.

" I know you may not be the biggest fan of history but I thought you might enjoy reading about different eras and culture perhaps you will find something that interest you".

I looked over at the book and felt a sense of warmth wash over me, I knew he had gone out of his way to find something he thought I might like and it meant alot.

"Thank you Conrad this is incredibly thoughtful of you" I then leaned over and placed a kiss on his cheek.

I know it was the smallest gestures but it speaks volumes.

Then we found ourselves lost in what we were reading, Conrad was reading a book on the American revolution while I was immersed in what I was also reading,

However, I was still aware of his company, after a while, my eyes drifted over to Conrad and I noticed that he has set his book down and he is now staring at me.

" What are you reading?" I asked not knowing what to say and I was also genuinely interested In what he was  studying.

Conrad smiled and lifted the book up so i could see the title. "It's called 'A People's History of the United States' by Howard Zinn. It's a fascinating look at the country's founding from the perspective of the working class and minorities. It's a fascinating read, and I've been enjoying learning more about American history."

"That sounds fascinating," I replied. "I've always been interested in history, but it's not something that I've studied much in-depth. Can you tell me more about it?"

"Of course," Conrad said, and he launched into an enthusiastic explanation of the book's contents, detailing some of the stories and events that had shaped America's early history. It was clear that he was deeply passionate about the subject, and he spoke with such zeal and energy that it was easy to see why he was so interested in it.

As we talked more about history and the books we had read, we found ourselves getting lost in the conversation. We exchanged book recommendations and debated the merits of different historical figures, both agreeing that we loved learning more about the past and the impact it had on the world.

As the night wore on, we found ourselves more comfortable in each other  presence. We had already gone on one date before, but this felt different. This felt like a deeper connection, one that was based on a shared love of learning and a desire to understand the world around us. And in that moment, we both knew that we were on the beginning of something special.
Conrad led me to my car, and we stood there for a moment,  He reached out and took my hand, gently pulling me towards him. We locked eyes, and for a moment, it was as if the world around us disappeared. We stood there, heart pounding, and then he leaned in and pressed a soft, tender kiss against my lips. The gesture was tender and sweet, and i felt a wave of warmth and affection wash over me. We stood there for a moment, lost in each other eyes, and then Conrad pulled away and looked at me with a soft smile. "Thank you for tonight," he said softly, "I had a wonderful time."


Chapter 21 ♥️♥️

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06 ⏰

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