X Couple Reveal (I)

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A week ago
@Restaurant in Seoul

(To the staff) You're going to reveal it at the first episode?!?! (In disbelief) That fast?!


The restaurant filled with low murmur of conversation, the clinking of cutlery, and the soft mood of dimmed lights. Ryujin sat at the table, her expression composed.

The door swung open, and there he was – Haechan, wearing his trademark smile that could light up a room.

Ryujin couldn't help but smile as he walked towards her table.

"Well, well, look who decided to show up. Missed me?", Haechan said while sitting down.

Ryujin chuckled, "The only thing I've missed is your ridiculous jokes."

Haechan chuckles, holding his heart, "Ouch, straight to the heart! So, how've you been?"

"Surviving, you know, life without your constant teasing," she replied.

"Life without me must've been dull," Haechan grinned.

Ryujin, feigning sarcasm, nodded dramatically, "Oh, absolutely thrilling. So, what's new in your world?"

Haechan's laughter echoed, "Well, you know, still the king of mischief. But seriously, I've been working on my music. Got a few new tracks."

Impressed, Ryujin smirked, "Music? That's unexpected. What, you singing serenades now?"

Haechan laughed, "Maybe, maybe not. You'll just have to find out."

"I'll pass," Ryujin replied, the smile never leaving her lips.


Interview room

He loved taking me to watch busking performances in Hongdae. I think almost every date, we went there and just watching people play their guitars and sing. His eyes would always light up with excitement. We would get lost in the music and sway to the rhythm of it. After that, we would go to our usual toppokki place and ate sundae.

And occasionally, we would go karaoke and sing our hearts out as a way of us relieving stress. The usual place we go karaoke, across the street, it had an arcade. And once we tried the punching machine and I still remember it clearly that I sprained my wrist that day cause I was definitely doing it wrong. I said I was fine but he insisted I went to the hospital and check. Ever since that day, he never really let me try the punching machine again. (Chuckled) I mean it looks like he's overreacting, but to me, it was one of the reason I fall in love with him even more.


As they continued their banter, Ryujin couldn't help but wonder about the turns of events – Haechan working on music? It was a side she didn't expect actually happen. The conversation took a more serious turn when she asked, "But seriously, I never expected you to agree to be on this show."

Haechan's response was equally unexpected. "Remember when you used to say I never took things seriously?"

Ryujin nodded, "Oh, vividly."

"Well, I admit back then I was a bit childish. Maybe too childish," Haechan admitted, surprising Ryujin with a glimpse into a side of him she hadn't seen before.

"Well, color me shocked," she said with a smirk.


Interview room

I was very playful back then. I just didn't take anything seriously. Looking back, I'm not even sure why I acted that way. There was this one time I tried to play a prank on her at her birthday, despite knowing she hated pranks. It ended with her face covered in cream. She was so mad at me. I had to send her flowers, apologize, and even got her favorite food. I knocked on her doorstep every day until she forgave me.

Sometimes when we were on a huge fight, you would see normal couples fight it out, screaming and everything, or maybe even try to communicate. But with him, every serious moment would turned into a joke or something trivial to him. At times, I hated that side of him.


Haechan, sarcastically, "Oh, I can feel the sympathy."

Ryujin leaned in, "But seriously, why did you agree to do this show? I didn't expect you would agree. You hated this types of programs."

Haechan raised an eyebrow, "Then why did you reach out?"

Ryujin paused, "Curiosity, I guess. To see if you've changed, or if you're still the same old you."

Haechan smirked, "Spoiler alert: I'm still pretty awesome."

Ryujin laughed, "Modesty was never your strong suit."


Ryujin Shin x Haechan Lee
1 year 2 months of relationship
& Broke up 6 months later

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