X's Introduction

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The scent of freshly cooked bibimbap and fried rice filled the air, as the cast of "Transit Love" gathered around the dining table. The table was set, filled with colorful dishes prepared by Jeno, Jaehyun, and the rest of the team. The atmosphere filled with excitement as they all gathered around, eager to enjoy the fruits of their collaborative effort.

As they took their seats and had their first bites, compliments about the dishes began to flow.

Ryujin exclaimed, "Wow, this bibimbap is amazing! You guys did such a great job!"

Mark chimed in, giving a thumbs up, "And the fried rice is seasoned well!"

Haechan, savoring a bite, added, "You guys are impressive!"

The compliments continued around the table, creating a sense of satisfaction among the chefs.

As they savored the delicious meal, the doorbell rang, signaling a new twist in the evening. Jeno, being the closest to the door, went to answer it. He returned with a stack of sealed envelopes, each one had the name of a cast member.

The letter they received wrote,
"This is my X's introduction written by my X-lover. Please take turns reading your self-introduction."

Curiosity blending with nervousness as they realized these envelopes contained letters from their Xs. The atmosphere change, and a hush settled over the room. The letters held the potential to unravel past memories, reignite old flames, or maybe becoming a start of new beginnings.

Minji and Karina each took a sip of their wine, expressing their nerves. While others either responded with small, contemplative smiles or lost in their own thoughts.

Karina breaking the silence, "Who's going to go first?"

Haechan started, "I'll go first." With a deep breath, he opened his envelope and began reading the letter from his ex.

[Haechan's Introduction]
Haechan is like a burst of joy in human form. His laughter is infectious – I'm talking about the kind that can turn even the gloomiest day into a sunny one. You'll find yourself laughing along, wondering how he manages to spread so much happiness.

But there's more to Haechan than just his playful side. Beneath the jokes and pranks, you'll discover a guy with a heart of gold. He has this incredible way of making you feel special and cherished, like you're the most important person in the room.

And guess what? Haechan is a romantic at heart. Prepare yourself for unexpected gestures that will make your heart flutter. Life with him is like living in a sweet romantic comedy – filled with laughter, surprises, and those heartwarming moments that you'll cherish forever.


The room fell silent as everyone listened intently. As Haechan finished reading the introduction letter, a warm smile spread across his face. The twinkle in his eyes mirrored the affectionate words written by his X.

Everyone smiled and clapped.


Interview room

What did you feel when reading the letter your X wrote?

I feel grateful. It brought back sweet memories and reminded me of the laughter and joy we had together.

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