"Oh, I just need to be back I have plans with Gary today after this." She said, making sure not to look at me.

"Mhm." I said, not convinced at all.

"Plus I think Jamie said he'd be back around then too, maybe you can do something."

"Has he talked to you today? I haven't heard from him at all." I said.

"Yeah, he just told me he'd be home in time for dinner, that he'd be back around 4." I nodded. That was the only thing that made me doubt that he was going to propose was that he hadn't said a word to me today, he was gone before I woke up, no text, no note, no nothing. I tried texting him earlier, but still nothing. Who ignores their girlfriend when they're going to ask her to marry you?

We continued to look around and I found a pair of pants I wanted and bought. We walked around a couple more stores but didn't buy anything else, until Tina looked at her phone.

"Oh would you look at the time, we have to go now." She said, grabbing my arm and hurrying out of the mall. I laughed a little bit at how ridiculous she was being today. We got to the car and soon got back home, Jamie's car was in the driveway.

"Hey pretty girl." He said as we came into the house.

"Don't pretty girl me, I'm mad at you." I said, pouting.

"What? Why?" He asked, now getting nervous.

"Because you haven't talked to me all day! I tried to text you but you never responded!" I exclaimed.

"I'm sorry baby, I'll make it up to you." He said, leaning down and trying to kiss me, but I moved out of the way before he could make contact.

"Mhm, sure you will."

"I promise I will, now get in the car we have somewhere to be." Jamie said, grabbing my hand and dragging me out of the house and to his car.

"Jamie, where are we going?" I asked as he got onto the 401 heading towards Kitchener.

"You'll find out." He replied. After just over an hour we ended up at the Kitchener Memorial Auditorium.

"What are we doing here?" I asked, my voice now soft. I hadn't been here since before COVID, since I had the internship, my start in sports. Where Jamie and I met.

"We have tickets to the game tonight. Unfortunately it's not against Erie that would've had to be a month ago or in a month." He said. A smile grew on my face as we got out of the car and walked into the building. My favourite building two years ago, probably my second favourite now. We started walking around the arena, I couldn't stop smiling the entire time.

"Skyler!" I heard from behind us. I turned around and there stood Callie and Oakley, running towards me. I embraced both of them in a hug, super happy to see them. They were wearing Rangers Game Crew sweaters.

"You guys are back with the Rangers?" I asked excitedly.

"Yeah! They asked us to come back this season to help with the new crew and show them around, all the ropes and stuff you know." Oakley replied.

"Jamie it's good to see you again too!" Callie said, both of them now hugging him.

"Come on we have something to do with you too." Oakley said. We followed them down the stairs and until the guarded off area.

"What are we doing down here?" I asked as we made it to the penalty box area.

"We just wanted to bring you down. Get an NHL professional idea on how we're doing everything." Oakley responded.

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