Chapter Twenty-Two

Start from the beginning

"I have yeah, even nude modelling if you're interested" she flirted again and I gave her a stern look.

"Look don't do that. I only have eyes for one woman far better than you, I'm doing you a favour here to give a job, you don't have to sleep with me or make me like you. You'll sure be in trouble soon and so will I when Cait finds out" I told her and she just smirked obviously loving this too much.

"So look you can wait tables and maybe dance a few nights, that's all I'm offering" I told her and she nodded to agree.

"What do I get paid?" she asked and I ran a quick thought.

"Well, whatever you get tipped you keep, as for the waiting tables and dancing, how does around $810 sound a week?" I asked her and I saw the slight shocked face and eyes widen but she quickly hid it.

"Uh-" she cleared her throat, I've done her a favour, "Yeah that's great, um thank you" she said and I could she see was genuine and actually thankful. I nodded and got her bank details for transfers and other details and then we closed up and left. I went to find Seph will she went her own way.

Caitlyn's POV:

It was a slow day at the café and I was wondering about hiring people cause then River and I can take a day together. I was reading a magazine when the doorbell went off and I looked up to see the one person I thought left.

"Caitlyn" she said and I shot daggers at her.

"Peyton, what do you want, I thought you left?" I asked her wishing she wasn't here right now.

"I was about to but something or someone caught my eyes. You should really keep River on a  leash before someone gets their claws in them" she taunted and I knew she was always a bitch.

"Excuse me?" I asked her wondering how she found out about River.

"We'll see each other a lot more now River just hired me at your club" she said and I grew confused at that, River wouldn't do that without asking me first.

"What?" was all I could say.

"Yeah, maybe let me have a few rounds with her, you used to share back in the day" she teased again and I was close to slapping her.

"Walking into my dorm seeing you fucking my then boyfriend isn't called sharing, it's called cheating you dumb bitch" I was seething now, she riled me up.

"Oh would you chill and make me a coffee, paying customer right?" she said and was about to sit but I stopped her.

"If I make you a coffee, you won't be drinking it, you'll be wearing it, now get the hell out" I said to her. She kept that smirk on her face and began to leave but not before having the last word.

"See you Friday at work" and she left. I called River.


I got home after work, telling River earlier to be at home so I can deal with her. I walked into the lounge to see her sitting there. She was about to get up but I pushed her back down.

"Damn okay, someone's in an eager mood" she said with a smile but I wasn't and she stopped.

"I'm not in that kind of mood, you hired Peyton what the fuck. She's the one I said a while ago who fucked me off. Why are you hiring her?! I'm going to be arrested for killing the bitch!" I started saying and ended up shouting from being stressed out.

"I had to, the bitch is crazy yes, she took photos off us in the window of the office when I fucked you, so she came to see me and Seph at the café yesterday. I took the photos and burned them and she deleted all evidence in exchange I gave her a job" River told me and I was confused all through that but I followed.

"WHAT THE FUCK RIVER?" I screamed at her and I jumped on her and began to hit her chest but she took control and flipped us over the couch and now she was on top.

"No more hitting me, it was all I could do" she said and I know, I'm just pissed at Peyton.

"No more fucking me in windows" I said to her and she smiled and laughed, "Don't laugh, you're still in trouble and sleeping on the couch tonight" I told her and she gave me an innocent look. I pushed her off me onto the floor and I got up.

"Where are you going?" I heard her call for me as I made my way to the bedroom

"For a shower, don't follow" I shouted back and slammed the door to our bedroom.

River's POV:

I lay on the couch that night and I was not comfy at all. I got up and moved across the room and around the corner to see the door to our room closed. I walked up to it and knocked slightly and opened it.

"Cait?" I whispered out but no response. She's deep asleep. I walked in and shut the door behind me. I walked across the room slowly and got into the warm bed and in an instant, she rolled over and snuggled into me.

"Took you long enough" she mumbled but I just smiled and wrapped my arms around her.

"I love you" I said and she tightened her grip on me.

"I love you too, you dummy" she mumbled back and fell back asleep. I could sleep now.

I woke and decided to make it up to Caitlyn. I made her breakfast and had playing 'She's Like the Wind' from her favourite classic movie, Dirty Dancing. I made waffles and pancakes her favourite as I finished setting it out as she walked in around the corner and laughed and shook her head at me.

"Gosh you are such a romantic" she said and I walked to her and wrapped my arms around her waist as she placed hers over my shoulders and I gave her a kiss,

"Just to say I'm sorry and from now on I'll listen to anything you say" I told her and she smiled at me.

"Oh we'll see about that" she said and kissed me again before sitting down to eat and I joined her.

We talked over breakfast with her mentioning about hiring at the café so we can spend more time outside of work together and I agreed with her. And also with hiring a few more people at the club since it was only us two and six other people. We needed more bodies. We got the day ready after breakfast with a sign at the club and café with hiring needed on it. We were looking for about three people at the café and around another six or eight at the club but we'll see what happens.

Quick chapter here but next chapter will be the final one to round up everyone's stories. I've enjoyed writing this book but another story is in the works, set in the same universe and maybe some returning characters.

Thank you all for the reads I see the increase everyday and it warms my heart. Thanks to those who vote each chapter, I know who you are, I see it.

Final chapter to come out soon.

~ Mollza.

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