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I'm walking with Chloe today.
Emma's on holiday with her cousin for a week, so it's just us. I told my dad I was going to Chloe's but now that I think about it, I should probably start revising for my GCSE.
It's not like I'll pass it, but I don't really care, school has never done much for me except given the opportunity to ruin random people's lives. I know I'm beautiful. So when this Nat Da Silva girl randomly shows up. Looking like me, I had to do what I had to do. I mean saying that I slept with her brother was maybe too far, considering it was just a play, but I wanted that part, and I was going to get it. Her brother was a caretaker at the school when we were 16, so I told her that I slept with him. She dropped out of the play soon enough. She couldn't risk her brother getting sent to jail. I didn't sleep with him though. I'm not really into older guys, but they are all into me, but that's no surprise.
"I think I'm just going to head back to mine, but tell your mom i say hi, yeah." I say, looking over at her.
She doesn't respond.
"Hello, why are you ignoring me", I say annoyed.
"What, oh, sorry, I was daydreaming." Chloe says.
Why does she do this, why am I even friends with her.
"I said I'm heading back to mine, gonna revise for a bit."
"Ok", she says, and I cross the road as she carried on down her own road. I turn left to where my house is. We live on a quiet road, which I guess gives us some peace from traffic outside the house, but it also gets boring, I don't really care that much though.
I unlock the door and start walking into the house, but then I stop and can hear dad talking to someone.
"Aren't you just beautiful" i hear him say. That's weird, mom's supposed to be at work.
"Oh, you're too good to me", I hear another voice and it's not my mothers.
I take my shoes of quietly and tiptoe towards the lounge to hear what they're saying better. My foot make the floorboard creek.
"Are you sure you live on your own" I hear the women ask.
"Yes, I'm not the cheating type, don't worry." My dad says.
I can't believe this; he's cheating on mom. Actually no. I can believe this. This is exactly the kind of thing he is entitled to do. His only commitment is that he has no loyalty.
I peek my head around the wall making sure I'm out of eyesight of both of them. Now I am shocked. The women is a beautiful blonde, almost more pretty that me. Not quite. She's young, she looks around 20-25. I had no idea my dad was into younger girls.
He wraps his arm around her as they turn there heads back to the tv and kisses her on the cheek.
He disgusts me. But I won't tell mom. One day dad will do something stupid enough to ruin this family on his own, I mean he already does. He's the reason Becca has an eating disorder and he doesn't even care enough to admit it.
I hate him more and more everyday.

This is short but this is just Andie finding out that her Dad was with Julia Hunter. In the next one she'll find her on the news dead. And she'll know who he is.

The Life Of Andie BellWhere stories live. Discover now