Petty Revenge

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The next morning Solis sat with the three to find out what they were doing going after the troll and smacked the ginger upside the head when he found out that the situation never would have happened if Ron hadnt insulted Hermione and made her cry.

Solis points his fork at Harry, accidentally throwing a piece of chicken at him, when he notices him picking at his food. You know were not in Surrey, right. You should stuff your face while you have the chance.

Hes right, Harry. You are gonna need your strength. Hermione agreed.

Harry gave them a blank look as he picked the chicken off of his robes as he went to respond but Snape interrupted before he could.

Shes right, Potter. Youve got your first quidditch game which should be easy for you since youve proven yourself against a troll. Even if you are going against Slytherin. Snape smirks smugly at Harry before turning his attention towards Solis. Mr. Black, last I checked you arent a Gryffindor.

The boy nodded, too busy chewing to respond he picked up his plate and moved to the Slytherin table across the room. Plopping down between a first year boy he befriended, Blaise, and a third year, Montague. Giving them both a nod to say hello Solis pulled his black notebook from his robes, bored he looked through the recently added names hoping something entertaining came to mind. Despite not being at Hogwarts long there were already nine new names added to the pages. A few Gryffondors and Slytherins who ran their mouths too much, a Ravenclaw who attempted to borrow Solis spell books, and Gregory Goyle for snooping through Solis things.

Not knowing who to choose, Solis closed his eyes and ran his finger up and down the page holding the new names. Eenie meenie miney mo catch a tiger by its toe if it hollers let it go my mom says to pick the very best one and itsss you. He opens his eyes to see which one he landed on and grins when he sees his pointer finger on the name of his dorm mate. Well Greg, I have just the thing for you. Solis thinks as he begins to formulate his plan.

Solis spent the rest of the day ignoring both the Slytherin trio and the Gryffindor trio. He instead spent all of his time outside of classes with a sadistic look in his eyes and his nose in a jinx and curses spell book meant only for sixth and seventh years. By the time the last bell had rung, Solis had his revenge planned out perfectly and decided to skip the quidditch game - much to Draco and Harrys disappointment - in favor of enacting said plan.

Are you sure youre not coming? It is the first game of the season and with stupid bloody Potter on their team Slytherin is going to win easily! I cant wait to see Potters face when he loses. Draco, Crabbe, and Goyle are trying a last ditch effort to convince Solis to go to the game. Ever since he got those advanced spell books the three have been like stray dogs following him around.

Unlike the three who are dressed head to toe in winter clothes, Solis is lounging on his bed in an old muggle band t-shirt and a pair of school issued Slytherin sweatpants. He doesnt bother looking up from the mystery-romance novel - borrowed from his new Hufflepuff friend, Tamsin Applebee - he is reading as he responds to the blonde. You know, with how much you talk about Harry one would think that you have a crush on him.

After a moment of silence Solis peeks over the top of his book to see a Draco red in the face, opening and closing his mouth like he has something to say but cant find the words. Another moment passes and Malfoy huffs, muttering a whatever and turns heading out the door. Crabbe and Goyle follow after him completely ignorant of what had just happened as they share a package of fudge flies between themselves and discuss whether cauldron cakes or choco balls are better.

Finishing up the chapter he was on, Solis checks the hallway to make sure no one is lingering around. Locking his dorm door, Solis gets his wand from his bedside table and moves over to Gregorys side of the room.

Pointing his wand at the unmade bed Solis murmurs, Duro. And watches as Goyles mattress hardens and turns to stone before casting a glamor charm to make it look normal. He then goes to Goyles hidden candy stash. With a wave of his wand and a murmur of Entomorphis. Solis smiles and grabs his notebook from his pocket. Opening it up he finds Goyles name and marks an O right beside it before returning to his bed and continuing his reading.

One and a half books and three hours later, the Slytherin trio stomps into the dorm, interrupting Solis peace and quiet. The black haired boy startles out of his reading trance by the three voicing their complaints about the match as they throw their hats and coats on the floor.

-and if Higgs wasnt a bloody wuss we wouldve won!

Yeah. Though that hit to their keeper was wicked!

Draco huffs, the scowl on his face twitching into a smirk at the reminder of how Oliver Wood went down. He tosses his coat and scarf onto Solis trunk as he turns the boys desk chair around and plops down onto it. Draco turns to Solis scrutinizing him in annoyance, judging the messy bun of black hair and the napkin bib that is covered in crumbs from the nearly empty plate of chocolate chip cookies next to him.

So, The blonde irritated tone gets Solis attention. What have you been doing; besides attracting ants?

Solis thinks of his response, Oh nothing just reading. and opens his mouth to say it but then a high pitched screech sounds from the other side of the room.

Draco jumps and quickly stands up with frantic eyes ready to run away. Solis smirks knowingly, stiflingly a laugh behind his book.

The two watch, one in fear and the other in amusement, as Crabbe and Goyle pull bag and box after bag and box full of insects out of Goyles desk drawers with tears in their eyes.A snort and quiet laughter bring three pairs of scared eyes to focus on Solis, whos practically shoving his face in his book to stop the laughter from coming out.

What the hell, Black?! Goyle screams.

It takes a minute for Solis to calm down enough to retrieve his little black notebook from his bedside table and toss it to Draco. Sitting down, Malfoy opens the book to the last used page.

0 Gregory Goyle —- went snooping

The blonde sighs in relief that there is not another troll attack and in annoyance that it is just another one of Solis Blacks revenge pranks. He had witnessed the aftermath of the last one Solis did; and in Malfoys opinion turning a few candies into bugs wasnt so bad. It was just the other day when he and his goons decided to hang out in their dorms during lunch, instead of going to the Great Hall with the black haired Slytherin, that they found a stone statue standing in front of Solis bookshelf. A stone statue that looked creepily similar to a fourth year Slytherin. It wasnt until the next days potions class that the three found out that the statue actually was a person when Snape took 10 points from Slytherin while also praising Solis advanced curses skills.

It wasnt long after the point deduction that rumors Solis started to spread.

After reading the reason for Goyles punishment, Draco throws the notebook over his shoulder onto the desk behind him and says, You went snooping through his stuff, idiot.

The rest of the day is spent with Solis and Draco helping the other two with their schoolwork; or better phrased, it is spent with Solis helping Crabbe and Goyle with their schoolwork while the moody blonde scolds them for not paying attention in class and not getting their work done during their study period.

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