They're singing "Happy Birthday"

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"Harry! Harry, wake up! Now!"

The sound of Aunt Petunia screeching woke Solis up. Unlike Harry, Solis had an actual room to sleep in instead of a closet under the stairs; Uncle Vernon said it was because he 'wasn't a Potter'. It was something he was reminded of everyday.

The black haired boy got dressed before making his way to the kitchen, Harry was pouring Uncle Vernon coffee while, not so subtly, glaring at Dudley. Dudley spent the whole breakfast complaining about his presents and boasting about going to the zoo. Solis couldn't care less about the spoiled boy or the zoo, and he'd rather eat a mouse than listen to Vernon's... teachings.

'Ok, casual. Be casual, eye contact to get the point across. And don't forget Duds, Solis, or the fat man will say no. Eye contact.'

"Uncle Vernon?" Solis glanced at Dudley before looking at Vernon, both had ham sticking out of their mouths. "I was wondering if I could stay here instead of going to the zoo."

Vernon finally looked at him, scowl etched onto his face. "What for?"

Solis looked back down at his food before turning to the man, "Well there's this summer project I have to do. And I was thinking I could use the quiet to help me concentrate so I get a good grade." He peeked at Dudley, a small smirk hides behind false worry. "Besides, it'll cost less without me there and it is Dudley's birthday. I wouldn't want to bring the mood down."

Harry was looking at the black haired boy with envy. He could always see through Solis' charades and he hates how the Dursleys couldn't. In their eyes Solis is an A+ student who does what he's told and respects them. For them Solis gives them the picture perfect family.

But Harry sees through it all. He's there behind the doors with them.

He knows Solis rarely goes to class, but aces every assignment the teachers give. He knows the Dursleys pay the teachers to make Dudley pass. Harry knows Solis keeps sharp eyes on everyone, that he's always looking for new ways to trick someone into doing his bidding or to get what he wants.

Harry hates that Solis does this.

Hates the other boy for knowing how to survive in the torture that is the Dursleys.

Vernon empties his plate, clearing his throat he answers. "Fine, you can stay home. But that project better get you an A."

"I never get anything less."

After saying his good-byes to the four and watching them drive off, Solis hurried up to his room and gets a letter out from between the pages of a book. He got it the day before and had managed to hide it before the others found it. The Dursleys may like their "charity case" over Potter, but that doesn't mean they'll treat him as one of their own. Vernon reminds Solis everyday that he was orphaned twice.

First by his father, then again by the Potters.

Solis doesn't really know what happened to his father. He knows his mother died giving birth to him, but his dad? His dad gave him to the Potters before disappearing, Solis only knows he was in his life because of a photo he has. It is of a man with brown curly hair tied back and a grin plastered to his face, the man is hold a baby wrapped in a blue and silver blanket. It's the only photo he has of any family of his. Solis keeps it hidden in the same book he hid the letter, Different Seasons by Stephen King. One of his favorite authors.

Taking the letter out and sitting on his bed, Solis reads it over for the hundredth time.

Dear Mr. Solis Black,

We are pleased to inform you that you have a place at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. You will find a list of all necessary books and equipment alongside this letter. The new term begins on September 1st, we await your owl by no later than July 31st.

Solis falls back on his bed in wonder and disbelief, lost in his thoughts of this chance.

'Witchcraft? Wizardry? It's gotta be fake but, it was sealed with a logo and my correct name was on it! Black, not Potter or Dursley. Ugh, why'd that teacher have to call me a Dursley? Nothing online came up when I search Hogwarts but that would make sense. It is a school for magic so they wouldn't want their address or teachings public, what if its in a different realm? Sorta like in Mary Poppins with the pictures. Ooh I should watch that again, it's a good show. 'Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious if you say it loud enough you'll always sou-'

A door slammed open.

"Its freezing! I'm dying, Mommy!"

"Come on, lets get you in by the fire! It's alright!"

The commotion broke Solis out of his thoughts, he came out of his room and hid out of sight by the stairs in time to see Vernon shove Harry into his "room".

"-it was like magic!"

"There is no such thing as magic!" Vernon said before shutting and locking the door to the closet. He spouted the word magic like it was some type of contagious disease. Or a leper.

Harry spent the rest of the day locked in the closet reading his books or messing with his toy soldiers, there's not a lot he can do for entertainment in the small space. Solis unlocked the door once the Dursleys went to bed. Every time Harry got in trouble and got locked up, Solis would let him out of the closet, when the Dursleys were gone, with a plate of food and, some times, a book or toy. Because of this, and other reasons, Harry could never fully hate his black haired acquaintance.

With a nod Harry accepted the food. "Thanks."

Solis scratched the back of his neck. "No problem."

"And, uh," Harry paused, looking down. "Happy Birthday."

This caused Solis to freeze, no one knew or ever remembered his birthday besides Harry. The brunette said it every year and ever year it catches Solis by surprise.

"Thanks Harry. I'm gonna go to bed, good night."



Thanks for reading! Mary Poppins has been stuck in my head all day so I'm making it be stuck in yours too! This chapter was a bit short, I'll try to lengthen them.

Please tell me if there are any changes I need to make or if you wish for something to happen in the story and I'll try my best to make it work. Again, thanks for reading!!!

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