Observing the pain etched on her husband's face, she sensed that there was more to his past than he had let on, yet she was grateful for the fragments of his story that he had shared. However, her unease grew as she contemplated their baby son potentially inheriting his father's ability to see curses.

What if the Jujutsu group sought to recruit him in the future?

She couldn't bear the thought of her son being embroiled in their dangerous world. All she wanted was for him to grow up carefree, pursue higher education, find his dream job, and eventually settle down, free from the burdens of the cursed realm.

As her mind started to spiral into panic, she felt a jolt as someone bumped into her. It was a kid with short black hair, dressed in traditional black and white Hakama.

"Sorry, Miss," the kid said in a stiff tone, bowing slightly.

"N-no, it's okay," she replied, forcing a smile.


Her eyes followed the kid walking away, but her stomach betrayed her with a loud growl. Fortunately, the heavy rain and sparse park crowd spared her from too much embarrassment. She headed to the nearby food stalls to order dinner for her family. But as she reached for her wallet, it was nowhere to be found. She even triple-checked her pockets, but the wallet was gone.

The stall owner grew angry, demanding payment. His yelling attracted attention, making her feel more flustered.

" Oi, woman," came a voice from behind. It was the same kid who had collided with her, holding out her wallet. She quickly paid for her orders and left the stalls.

"Thank you so much for finding my wallet," she said to the kid, with a grateful smile. The kid blushed and turned away as he walked off.

“Wait a minute! Here, take this," she said, offering the kid some money.

“...what is this?”

"I just want to thank you for finding my wallet," she explained.

“You've already said it, woman. Why give me some money for it?” the kid asked, surprising her. It was unusual for a kid to ask such a question.

“W-well, I thought it would be nice to give you some money for it,"

Do I look poor to you, woman? I don't need your pity money. You can just take it back,” the kid insisted, pushing the money back into her hand.

“No! I d-don't mean it that way! It's just my gratitude for you for finding my wallet. Even if you don't need it, you can keep it as a reminder that you helped me," she explained, ending with a smile. She looked at the kid's face, surprised at her own response. It seemed like the kid had never received much praise in his life, and her words had taken him aback. He shook his head, blushed, and hurried off in another direction, leaving her behind before she can said another word to him.

'What a strange kid,'


Jin finally took a day off after working non-stop for three years. His co-workers were shook, but not in a good way. They knew his boss would dump all his work on them if Jin took a day off. They were about to experience the hell that Jin had gone through for two years. Meanwhile, the man himself was chilling with his family on the other side of the city. He was spending time with his twin sons, who were just born.

One of them, Sukuna, was snoozing on his chest, while the other one, Yuuji, was obsessed with Kushina's long red hair. Jin tried to get Yuuji to stop pulling her hair, but it was useless. Every time he moved him away, Yuuji would start crying. Kushina didn't mind, though. She was super nice and let Yuuji drool on her hair.

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