Part 1

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Izuku Midoriya was a bright child, he learnt extraordinarily quickly, it was oft that he was held back only by his body's natural growth rate.

However due to this he saw the world differently. He saw the way the world worshiped Quirks and considered them to be an aspect of a person's identity.

By two he was online and infatuated with Heroes like everyone else.

But unlike everyone else who wanted the fame and fortune, the spotlight the Heroes had, Izuku saw the victims, the ones that needed to be saved.

He wanted to help them.

That was his drive to be a Hero. To protect those that couldn't protect themselves.

He saw how they lost their fear whenever All Might appeared with his catchphrase 'I AM HERE' and how the villains trembled.

Izuku wanted to inspire the same hope All Might gave others.

Izuku began watching movies about Heroes from all time.

Over the next few years he would learn a lot about what it meant to be a true Hero from the words of wisdom of scripts from centuries before his birth.

Some of his favourite lines came from those Heroes.

With great power comes great responsibility. If you have the power you should use it to protect.

Big man in a suit of Armor, take that off what are you? Genius playboy billionaire philanthropist. Just because you have power doesn't mean that without it you're worthless.

When Izuku was four he was declared Quirkless.

And life for him began a steady decline into pain and misery.

His classmates collectively turned on him.

Whenever Heroes and Villains was played in the yard he was forced to be the Villain, and as such beaten up.

However Izuku had known this might happen, so he didn't fight back, instead he began working harder than everyone else. By studies made he knew physical training would be bad for his health at this point in his life.

But mental training however would be a benefit to his plans.

He began accelerating his school courses at home, flying through years of I formation in two mere years.

At six he began programming, working on his first project.

A friend.

It had gotten lonely in these past two years, with nobody to talk to.

His mother didn't understand her son, he wasn't what she expected, he was a genius, and often spoke of things she didn't understand.

They had nothing in common.

It took four years to create.

In these four years he worked tirelessly to create technologies most scientists would pay out of their asses for.

Hard drives capable of terabytes of data, hover technology, energy conversion technology, force fields, sonic technology.

Even learning about how the brain operated to better mimic it.

But when Izuku was ten...

He finished it.

A program capable of self thought and emotion.

It had three laws written into it.

The three laws of robotics.


Izuku Midoriya; AKA The Blue BeetleWhere stories live. Discover now