"I will , thank you "

"You did not even miss me "


"That was quick"

"Ohh really , you wanted me to get rid of me huh " he said kissing me

"Hmmm you know I never want to get of you "

"Oh really , you can prove it instead of just saying it " I looked at him dead in the eyes smirking

"I will "  and he bit his lip smiling

I looked at Bob to see his head turned to the other direction

I can see his cheeks though and they're red as hell

I looked at Alessandro and he looked at me and we both tried not to laugh

"Bob" Alessandro called him

"Y-yes C-capo "

"Are you good "

I tried so hard not to laugh

"Y-yes c-capo"

"Then why's your head turned"

And he looked at us "I-u-I wanted to give you both privacy "

"Were we doing anything bad ?" He asked him


"Alessandro let him be "

"And pay attention to you huh " he said flirting with me

"You know you always pay attention to me "

And Bob cleared his throat quietly , I think he did not want us to hear but we did

And we both tried again not to laugh

Alessandro sat down before tapping his lap and I did what he wanted

I sat on his lap

"Bob you'll be resuming tomorrow or anytime my princess wants you to " he said staring at me and i blushed

"Tomorrow's not bad " i said

"I'll resume tomorrow then "

"And by the way I wanted to ask , how did you both resolve your issues "

"Ahh about that "

"I'm listening , did you guys talk it out or you just went there and hired him " I asked him but he did not answer

"Bob ?" I asked him instead since his boss does not want to answer

"Ye-" he said but i noticed that his eyes were a little bit swollen

"Hold up , did he punch you " I asked Bob and he gulped

"I'm talking to you "

"No he did not , I hit myself somewhere "

"Yeah tell that to a stranger "

"I looked at Alessandro but he was looking everywhere but my eyes "

I'll let it go for now

"I'm so sorry you had to go through that "

"Noo it's settled now and that's all that matters.I have to leave now. My daughter has school tomorrow "

He left minutes later.

I locked the door , folded my arms and looked at Alessandro

"What " he said acting clueless

"Why're such an ass to him and why did you beat him up " I yelled

" because that's my own way of resolving issues " he said calmly

"Well you should change it "

"We are all good now aren't you happy ?"

" No I'm not happy , you should stop bullying him "

"I'm not , he's probably just scared of me , like all of them"

"right " I said already mad

I sat on the other couch eating my chocolate whilst watching a new show on Netflix

We sat in silence for over 15 minutes before he said something

"Are you ignoring me "

No I'm building a house

I did not say anything to him

He then got up and sat next to me

"Babyyyyyy" he said hugging me and kissing my neck

"I'm sorry mi amore , it won't happen again. I promise to stop being an ass to him "

And I looked at him "pinky promise " I said showing him my pinky finger

"Pinky promise " he said promising me

"What are you watching " he said making himself comfortable ( cuddling with me )

"Just something new on Netflix "


Later that night , he helped me with my school work and after we made ramen before going to bed....

The only person I want to do this with for the rest of my life.

Just a little sum for my babiesssss😽😽

I know , I know... I'm sorry for going ghost again.

College has been hectic and allat , I'm sorry.

I'll make it up , I promiseee.😽

How has life been goinggggg ???

Tell me about it.

Hope we've been going to the gym , I've not been going but the focus is on you sooo😭

Hope you've been taking your vitamins and taking good care of your body and mental health.

Take care!!!

Love youuu!! Byeee❤️❤️❤️

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