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When I woke up I felt a sharp pain in my lower back. Just where Jacky had whipped me some weeks before but other than that, I realized I was in a very comfortable bed. Definitely not mine or Jacky's. This one had navy blue covers and sheets that were oddly soft like a baby blanket. The pillows under my head were almost sinking me in. I took a deep breathe of the surrounding air and a calming vanilla scent got swept into my nose. I looked beside me to see a beautiful lamp on a golden bedside table. In fact looking around, everything I saw was golden in here, and I was pretty sure even the bed I was lying on was golden. I sighed and looked to my right to see two days. Great, I couldn't have been more grateful for cliche rich people bedrooms. It meant I had to find out which one was the bathroom because I felt a sudden urge to throw up. I painfully got out of bed and sighed. I walked to the first door and opened. Thankfully it was the bathroom. I didn't bother looking around I knelt before the toilet, pulled up the seat and threw up all the contents in my stomach which was probably just two granola bars. I sighed and leaned on the toilet seat after flushing to gather my air.

I looked around the bathroom and immediately knew how rich my captors are. I can't wait till they find out they kidnapped the wrong guy and am just a poor nobody whose birth giver wanted nothing to do with. I bet if they called mom she would brainstorm a thousand better ways to kill me. Hell, she would even suggest they throw me in an ocean! I wouldn't be surprised considering for my tenth birthday she gave me a gun and suggested I kill myself. That was the day I actually realized she never wanted me. I was just a way of her getting money from the child services. After she lied that I wasn't her child and she was just a foster care for me. I knew it was a lie because I had seen my birth certificate and though I had no dad, I knew Jacky was my birth giver.

They had a huge bathtub and the bathroom was as large as my bedroom back home. The walls were a dark green and golden and everything else was golden. I took a deep breathe, the things I would do to just earn two bucks and here people were buying tiles to tile the bathroom wall and golden accessories. I didn't dwell much on it though. I walked out of the bathroom and decided the door opposite the bed was my way out of the place. I mean if this people attacked the school with guns, they could easily kill me if I wasn't what they wanted. I took a deep breathe and walked out slowly looking both ways before spotting a flight of stairs. I rushed to them tip toeing and went down slowly. When I was at the second last step I paused to check if someone was at the room below.

"What are you doing?" A deep voice asked from above the stairs and I jumped startled and turned just to loose my step and fall back wards. I prepared to wince from the floor connecting with my bruises but it never came, all I felt were muscular hands holding me and preventing me from falling. I sighed still looking at the dark mahogany floors.

"I was just hungry mahn, you don't have to shoot me." I said softly. "Am sure your boss doesn't know that he got the wrong guy, I don't even have money on me...." I looked up when none of them spoke for a while. I was met with pretty blue green eyes staring at me confused. He seemed about a year or two older than me. Was he also kidnapped? I realized the person behind me was still holding me so I sobered up and steadied myself.

"Boss?" He questioned. I shrugged.
"Yeah, you know, kidnappers serve a boss?" I said confused.

"You mean dad?" He asked scrunching his nose.

"Your dad, my kidnapper, same thing." I said shrugging.

"He's cute." Said the guy behind me. I turned to look at electric blue eyes and a charming smile. He looked just as handsome as the guy at the top of the stairs but slightly muscular.
"Yeah Den everyone knows the Miguel's are cute. Its no big deal." Said the guy at the top of the stairs.

"Yeah but he got dads complete genes and you know what newsmen say about dad." He raised a brow.

"The youngest most handsome business man?" Asked another voice as he entered the hallway. He looked just like the one at the top if the stairs but instead of a leather jacket he wore a tank top. I bet they all knew just how incredibly handsome they were.

"Exactly, by the way Cain,did you bring my mint ice cream?" Asked 'Den'.
'Cain' who had just entered nodded.
"Yeah, they were sold out but I ordered straight from the factory." He spoke. I was right, they are rich.

"Chris,Blake and Ben want you to call the club, I think the meeting is cancelled." Said Cain. I was so confused by now.

"Am gonna go look for Daniel, I bet the meeting is over right now." Said Den. I didn't get them. Why were they openly talking like I wasn't even there? Did they know I might be a threat? I looked at the two twins now before me as they talked.
"Uhmmm...am just gonna....." I said walking backwards towards the main door which surprisingly wasn't that far.

They just stared at me and suddenly I was held by even more muscular arms and my cheeks suddenly flushed bright red. Why were the people in this house hold so muscular. This time I turned around and stared right at a reflection of me. I mean yeah if I were 35 years old and had a nicely and stylishly shaved example of a beard and my hair was fully gelled back and I was wearing a very expensive looking navy blue suit and I was holding a very expensive IPhone 15 on my left arm, then yes, I was looking at a reflection of me. He stared at me like he had also just realized how alike I am to him and I suddenly felt self conscious. I wondered if they had seen my scars, I mean I hope not. That would give them an idea of the level of pain I can endure and I didn't want them to go any further. The guy cleared his throat but he didn't move back. Still staring at me but this time a small smile graced his lips.

"Dad, I thought you don't like physical touch?" Cain frowned and I became aware they were also there. This made the guy holding me to pull out of his trance and straightened himself and me up and a sharp pain shot through my back and I winced.

"Did I hurt you?" He asked. I glared at him.
"No I winced because I felt so damn good." I said sarcastically. He didn't seem to get the sarcasm, but I can't blame him, sometimes I also don't know if am being serious or not.

"Good, I almost thought I hurt you tesoro." His Italian accent was strong and that was when I realized everyone I had met had a soft Italian accent when they talked.

"Wha....you know what? I don't care..just tell your men to take me back home. Am sure I can still get Liza's diner open at this time." I said. Liza could scrape me some leftovers so that I didn't have to buy dinner.
He raised a brow but answered nonetheless.
"They can't." He spoke so casually. I sighed.
"Why can't they? I don't have rich parents if that's what you thought when kidnapping me." I said. Cain chuckled behind me.

"Well all of them are prohibited from driving for the next one week.." He said. Chris sighed.

"Wait..what if you need an escape driver when breaking into a bank and all those stuff kidnappers do? Won't you need your men?" I asked. He seemed amused but didn't deny being a kidnapper.
"Yes I would." He simply said. "On very important occasions." He spoke.

"Well then consider driving me home an important occasion. I promise I won't file charges, not like anyone would care anyway." I mumbled the last part.

"They can't." He spoke still calmly. Calm people freaked me out.
"Why can't they? My mom can't even pay mortgage what makes you think she will pay to get me back!!" I said annoyed.

"Well for starters they are not my men, they are my KIDS...and second..." He paused and leaned to look me straight in the eye. " This is your home."

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