#4 him

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Taylor pov continue........

The taxi stop, and I exit the vehicle and pay the driver for his service. I then proceed to walk inside the café and glimpse at the back of my mother, who stands at the counter, engaged in conversation with another woman

" Hey Mother " I greet in an endearing tone

she quickly wraps me in an embrace. I glance at the woman beside her, who wears a black coat and a gown beneath. Her hair is slightly messy, and her eyes are dark, which I surmise to be a sytomps of insomnia.

My mother releases the embrace.
She asks,

" How is school ? Did you make a new friends ? "

I respond with a simple " yes " .

I look at the woman beside her who give me a wide smile

" Meet Mrs Johnson , the mayor's wife " my mom introduce her

I swallow my pride and look at her suprisely

I glance at her with an expression of surprise, as this sudden introduction took me by surprise.

" I'm Taylor " I introduce myself to her and smiles in response

Mrs. Johnson smiles broadly and extends her hand to shake mine. We exchange handshakes.

She proclaims, " you're welcome in our town " .

I smile back and my mom says in the statement,

" It's nice to know that our homes are neighboring one another . We will thus be able to develop a neighborly friendship"

Mrs. Johnson nods and smiles, indicating her agreement with my mom statement.

Mrs. Johnson politely excuses herself, sipping her drink in mere seconds.
Upon observing the woman, I notice that she seems to be enduring some sort of emotional or mental strain. Her physical attire appears untidy, she seems pale and unhealthy, and her breath brings unpleasant scent, which I think might be the result of poor oral hygiene. She clearly look sick .

In a moment of respite, I surveys the surroundings, eyeing the exit doors of the café shop.
I spots my mother walking towards a seat near the glass wall , and I follows suit, taking a place directly in front of her.

" How do you see the gymnastics ? " Says my mom

I replies " hm...nice "

" Your friend's name ? "

" Dorcas " i response firmly

" Only Dorcas ? " She asks after she drink her coffee

" No....but I think Dorcas is still the only one I suggest " I reply

I add " You don't visit the hospital today ? "

" I do .... But I'm not fully resume , they're still preparing for the retirement party " she explains

I nod and look at outside through the glass.

" I shall accompany you," I proclaim to my mother.

She smiles and inhales deeply, sipping her coffee intently.

"What an excellent venue. How do you feel about it " she inquires.

I nod my head in confirmation, expressing my agreement with her suggestion.

"Affirmative...truly," I declare with confidence.

After our time at the coffee shop together, we make our way back home.
I remain intrigued by the mystery person who watched me through the window last night and kept me awake until late , also the woman , mayor's wife I feel cautious about it .

"Who could he be?" I muse to myself.

"Tomorrow, we shall venture out to purchase fabric for the retirement party" my mother says in a playful manner.

"Ah, I'm thrilled!" I respond, putting on a playful demeanor.

"She is utterly incredible, consistently working to ensure my happiness."

I wander over to my personal bedroom, my thoughts and energy focused on the person who watched me from outside the window all night.
The curtains are drawn in my room, but I nonetheless attempt to peek outside as I lie in the comfort of my bed. Surprisingly, I cannot discern anyone observing me at my window.
My tiredness from the recent day's activities consumes me entirely, and I quickly drift off to sleep.

As i shift in my sleep, a wave of anxiety wash over me at the sight of him standing there in the darkness. The stillness of the night was shatter as I leap out of bed, only to stumble and hit my head on the nightstand, causing the lamp to flicker on and off. Through the sheer curtains, his eyes bore into me, leaving me speechless and freeze in fear. No words escape my lips as I stood there, paralyze by his gaze.

Tears well in my eyes as the sharp pain spread through my body, leaving me with a pounding headache that feels like a hammer against my skull. Slowly, I rose to my feet, using one hand to steady myself against the pain in my head and the other against the ache in my chest. With deliberate steps, I made my way to the curtains, pushing them aside to reveal a figure standing in the window. His face is obscured in darkness, but the faint blue light from his room cast an eerie glow on his features. I stare at him, a mix of confusion and curiosity in my gaze.

" What the heck..." I mumble under my breath

I raise my middle finger at him , flipping a bird . I pull the curtains back angrily and turn but stop when I hear a voice .

A strange voice

I strain my ears, trying to make out the words that are being carry on the wind. It's a voice I do not recognize, a voice that sends a shiver down my spine.

I hesitate for a moment, unsure of what to do. Is it him ?, Should I go out and find ? Or should I stay where I am.

In the end, curiosity gets the better of me. I push the curtains aside and look out onto outside , looking my right and left maybe is a child suffering or dying .

The voice grows louder, more insistent, and I realize with a sinking feeling that it's not coming from inside is from him .

The one watching me at his window shouting for help

" Help me ! "

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30 ⏰

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