Arriving in Switzerland

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Alea smiled at the camera of her laptop. She just finished a videocall with a possible host family for her au pair year. She got connected with them over the biggest companies for aupairs, just like the three family's before. The girl was pretty surprised to be sitting across Sebastian Vettel and Lewis Hamilton. She introduced herself and then went on to tell them about her previous experiences. She already did a year in Italy with a family with two children. The two men seemed pleased with her so they proceeded to interduce their children. They had two little girls: Pina (4Jahre) und Cassia (0.7 Jahre). The family lived in Switzerland were looking for a German and English speaking aupair for at least a year.

Alea and the family decided to meet up a few days later again over a video call to see of they would be a match. The girl felt genuinely interested in joining the little Racing family. And after a second talk it became a reality. Only three weeks later she was sat on the plane to her new life, at least for the next year. It was January 10th, which meant she would have like two month with the hole family to get used to their way of living before the next F1 season would start.

After getting her bags the girl walked out of the departure gate looking around for the signs pointing her to the next taxi stand. Just as agreed she told the man the address and got in.

The house she ended up in front of was a combination of typical Swiss architecture and some modern features. It had a big yard and it was obvious that children lived here. She notices how it was connected to the house next to it through a big path and there was no fence, so the yards merged without problems. Nervously the girl stepped up to the wooden front door, to knock.

A girl opened it, Alea recognized her from various video chats "Hello Pina." The girl smiled "Alea, you are here." More people came to the door, the hole family greeted her warmly. The fathers Sebastian and Lewis hugged her, pulling her in. She got a tour of the house and after settling in a bit she sat down on the dining table letting Pina tell her stories about her week.

Dinner was great, she got to see more of the family personality, making her feel even more homly and welcome. After she helped the fathers to put the girls to sleep, they sat down in the living room to talk about the next days. Sebastian brought some tea, before settling in next to his husband "So, how do you feel?" The girl smiled "Great, I am always nervous the first day but you make it so easy to fell comfortable." The couple smiled at her "That's great, do you have any questions? Concerns?" Alea thought about that "I saw the yard has no fence, are the kids allowed in the other yard too or do I need to keep them only around this house?" Seb answered her "OH no, they are allowed everywhere. The house next door belongs to a dear friend of ours, he is a driver too and we bought this house knowing he would be there so. He will be around a bit the girl both love him and he is great with them." Lewis nodded "Yeah, if we aren't here and you need something feel free to go over and ask for help, he knows you would arrive today and agreed on helping if needed." Alea smiled "That's great, I think the rest we already talked about. Are you still comfortable with me taking the girl for a walk or so, when I feel ready?" The men nodded "Yes" – "Still no allergies or dietary restrictions?" Lewis smiled "No, I am vegan but I am not forcing the others to do the same, we always have vegan options to cook with, but I don't expect you to use them." Alea nodded "Alright, do have anything I should know?" The couple exchanged a glace "No, not today. If anything comes up you have all the phone numbers if we aren't here to answer. An since we are on break right now we can nearly fully have our attention for getting everything settled in." After that Alea excused herself to bed, the travelling drained her pretty much.

The first days, and first week was a bit of an adjustment for everyone but they made it work and Alea was happy. She had a good connection to the both children, as well as with the two husbands. Soon they started to leave for a few hours letting Alea alone with their children, always checking if everyone was still happy with the arrangements and if Pina and Cassie were alright with Alea being around, taking care of them.

Sometime later Alea was standing in the kitchen she picked up Cassia off of the floor stroking her back "Na Kleine." The girl giggled, grabbing her hair. Pina walked in showing the girl a painting "Look Alea I draw a picture for you in the Kindergarten." The older one smiled "Ahh that's so sweet, Danke." She carefully took the paper "I'll set it down on the counter and bring it to my room later, okay?" The small girl nodded "Ja, can I have juice?" As Alea opened the fridge to get what the girl asked for the doorbell rang. Surprised she closed the fridge door again "Oh, Pina I am going to get that, I'll get you some juice after." She placed Cassie on her hip walking out. Pina followed curiously.

Infront of the door stood a tall, blonde man. Alea stared at him for a moment through the glass door before opening it. The stranger seamed kinda pissed off, his face serious not a bit of a smiled to be seen. That impression just solidified as he rudely asked, "Who are you?" The girl smiled politely "I am Alea, how can I help you?" Suddenly Pina squealed "Uncle Kimi." She ran around Alea, jumping at the man. He caught the small body smiling this time "Hello pieni" Alea frowned "Okay, what can I do for you?" With Pina in his arms he stepped closer "Where is Seb or Lewis?" He pushed trough the door and past Alea. The girl closed the door "I don't know if you can just walk in here." The man rolled his eyes "Obviously I can and who would stop me? You?" Just then Sebastian walked into the room "Kimi?" The stranger turned "Seb, what is this?" The German smiled at his friend "That is Alea, I told you we would be getting an aupiar." The girl looked between the two man, so the strangers name was Kimi. She knew his name, also a F1 driver.

Pina piped up "Kimi, I want juice." The man simply turned and walked into the kitchen, Seb and Alea behind. After the girl got her drink she silently sipped on it while her father talked to his friend "This is Alea, she is watching the kids from now on." The Fin looked at the younger girl still holding Cassie "Her? Seb she is too young!" Offended Alea groaned "I am 25, just because you are older doesn't mean I am young. And just fyi, I am highly qualified for this. I have raised more children then you ever could." That's when Seb interfered "Alright, Kimi she is well capable of looking after our daughters, when me and Lewis trust her you should too. Secondly what did you need?" His friend answered emotionless "Its Wednesday!" Seb nodded "It is, and?" The other rolled his eyes "I always watch the girls on Wednesday" The German smiled "Yeah because me and Lewis needed the time, but we have Alea no, you don't have to do it anymore." Just then Cassie got impatient, stretching her arms into Kimis direction "Imi" The man promptly took her "But I always watch them on Wednesdays." Cassie finished her juice "Yeah. We are always at Uncle Kimis on Wednesday." Alea couldn't hold her giggles, what made the Fin immediately target her with his angry stare. Seb looked at her too "Alea, do you mind? Maybe they can go with Kimi and he can call you when he needs a bit of support?" The girl nodded "Sure, it seems really important for all of them. Kimi let me give you my number." The addressed looked relactened but handed over his phone anyways "I don't need help from a child" Alea gave him a sarcastic smile "I am only 10 years younger, so..." She checked the numbers again before handing it back "If you call me we could check if everything will work." But the man stuffed the device back into his pocket "I don't think you should have my number until is really necessary." Then warmly smiled at Pina "Lets get your jacket pieni." The girl nodded "Yay, bye dad, bye Alea." They both waved at them "Bye have fun."

Seb accompanied his daughters and friend to the front door before returning "I am sorry for him, he doesn't mean to be rude, he is just.... Very simple." Alea nodded "Don't worry I don't take it personally, he seams great with the girls, that's what counts." The German smiled "Exactly, maybe you could pick them up later. It's the house right next door." The girl nodded "Sure, is there a set time?" "Yeah 5 pm, till then you have some free time." 

Iceman out - F1 Fanfiction - Kimi RaikkonenTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon