The Sucky Outdoors

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"Campers, today's challenge will test your outdoor survival skills." Chris begins. "I'm not going to lie to you. Some of you may not come back alive." There were then multiple gasps. "Just joking." Chris laughs like a psycopath. "All you need to do is spend one night in the woods. Everything you'll need is at your teams campsite in the forest. You just have to find it." Chris then tossed a map and a compus each to Heather and Duncan. "First team back for breakfast wins invincibility!"


Your team walks into the woods, and Gwen looks sadder than ever. "Ugh, she is so the next one to leave." Heather says.

"Who?" Asks Trent.

"Who do you think? She dumped Harold's red ants farm into my bed!"

"Yeah, but you did read her diary out to the entire world."

Heather then stops, turns around, glaring. It made everyone bump and crash into each other. "So?" She asks.

"So, that was pretty harsh."

"She is going down!"

"Calm down, Heather." You say, placing your hand on her shoulder.

"Um, okay... whatever.." She replies. Everyone looked shocked at how easy it was to get her to listen to you. You were even a little shocked yourself.


"Ugh, I am so hungry!" Heather complains.

"I think my stomach ate my stomach." Adds Izzy.

Just then, you hear an engine in the distance. You see someone hop of a motorbike with a pizza.

"Yo, who ordered the pepperoni with extra cheese?"

"Over here, it's for the camera crew!" The camera guy says, waving the guy over.

"I would kill for that pizza right now." You say. Owen then emerges frome the foliage holding three large fish that had been tied up with some rope.

"I am man! I bring fish!" He says.

"Oh, I love fish! I love fish!" Izzy proceeds to take I massive bite out of one of the fish but then stops once she realises it's raw. "I-i guess we should cook it first."

"You think?" You say, standing up.

"How do you know how to fish?" Heather questions Owen.

"My grandpa taught me, I caught a shark once. it bit me in the butt check it out!" He relies. You quickly shut your eyes and cover Heather's as soon as he starts to pull down his pants.

"Oh, that is so cool!" Izzy exclaims.

"No, it's not. Now pull your pants back up!" You yell.

Once everyone recovers their sight, you and Heather start on the fire, Trent and Cody prepare the fish, and everyone else pitches the tent. You gather dry sticks and leaves while Heather makes a ring of stones so as not to spread the fire. Once you assemble the sticks in a tent shape, you pass Heather a small steel knife and flint.

"What am I supposed to do with this?" She says unimpressed.

"Here, I'll show you." You take the flint rock and knife. You hold the rock close to the sticks and run the back of the knife along it quickly until sparks fly off it. The sparks soon turn into flames.

"Thanks." She says, looking away from you.

"You're welcome." You respond.


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