Chapter 3- Steve Rodgers

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*ffw to avengers tower move in day*          *i am an avenger now ig idfk what is going anymore tbh*            *tony and i are good but he & clint keep trying to get me to talk to nat... eventually i just flipped out at them about how trust is earned and they fucked off*

*steve and i are going to visit peggy again after everyone gets settled*

peggy: steve dear your new girlfriend *referring to me* is very pretty. almost as pretty as mine *shows him a pic of Angie*

*i have explained to steve that this is, in fact, legal now and mostly accepted socially. And that Aunt Peggy is technically bi but she didn't believe in labels she always used to say "it's all a spectrum, love who you love".... steve took it all very well and in fact agreed with that philosophy*

*anyway, back to the story*

steve: oh she's not my girlfriend...

peggy: really? why not? *turns to me* you can't stop staring at him and he can't stop staring at you. looks like love to me.

me: we are co workers at the SSR- would break protocol

peg: that never stopped me-

me & steve: *laugh*

*steve and i walking out*

steve: i am starving.

me: ooh i know a good place- it's like- a block away come on *grabs his hand and leads the way*

*we get there*

s: pizza and- i am not even going to try to say that, looks too much like-

me: Boobay? *laughs*

steve: *laughs* well yeah

me: relax mr. righteous, it's boba. and it's sooo good you have to try it!!! *orders for us* trust me.


s: mmmm food now is so much better than in the 40s.

me: how so?

s: everything was boiled- and it was the great depression so generally there wasn't even much to boil.

me: that sucks.

s: kinda

*ffw a bit (on our way back to the car) bc i said so*

s: hey y/n?

me: mhm? *stops to look at him*

s: *wipes some pizza sauce by the corner of my face*

me: *blushes*

s: *doesn't move hand*

me: steve-

s: y/n-

*we kiss...*

me: oh god. that- that is a baddd idea.

s: idk- seems pretty good to me.

me: *turns to look at him and blushes* ...

s: ...

me: ... FUCK!

s: i'm down

me: *blushes*

s: *laughing*

me: what?

s: *getting closer* you are cute when ur flustered.

me: gahhh-

s: :)

me: god damn it.

s: *kisses me again*

me: *kisses him back* this is bad.

s: i think it's pretty good.

me: that's not what i- what do we tell the others? what happens when they find out?

s: they don't have to...

me: mr. righteous

s: see that is a horrible assumption- *getting closer, backing me against a wall* Nothing I am thinking about right now is righteous.

me: *blushes*

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