Chapter 7-- Nat vs. Steve Pt.3

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*ffw a month*

I cancel lunch with nat bc i am not feeling well the next day (literally a coincidence but yk how she takes it) so she has been kinda icy and I am confused as hell but just keep trying to push through with her (kill her with kindness)

Steve starts getting super controlling and it is on my nerves.

Tony notices and picks a fight with steve abt it and christ it is not helpful

*i am getting ready for a press conference and running a little late*

me: *runs into nat's room* this dress or this dress?

nat: christ uh. the black one.

me: thanks *runs out*

*I change into the dress, finish my hair and makeup and run to go meet clint (he and i are doing the press conference bc we did the mission together). but i run smack into steve.*

me: shit sorry love.

cap: where are you going in that?

me: uh-the press conference? and nat said it was fine.

cap: of course she did.

clint: *walks up to us* fuck you two can make out later we have shit to do *pulls me away and we go to the press conference*

*in the car, clint driving*

me: god idk what i did that's got everyone all pissy

clint: ...

me: do you know?

clint: I try to support your decision to stick with steve. if that's really what you want but you could have talked to nat about it, or steve maybe then he'd be a bit less of a jealous terror. *breathes deeply*

me: why would i be leaving steve and why would i want to tell nat about it?

clint: the note she left you? after your birthday party?

me: lost me. I received no such note.



paparazzi: *shouting*

clint: we will continue this-

me: yeah.

*press conference goes alr- not my best work tho i will be honest*

*in the car*

me: I'll call steve you call nat we are going to lunch.

clint: alr. u sure?

me: *already calling steve*

clint: joy.

*steve and nat get there at the same time, clint and i are sipping on our choice of caffeine (monster for me coffee for him) when they arrive*

cap: *asks for clint to move so he can sit next to me*

me: no. sit.

cap: *looks confused & concerned, sits*

nat: *makes a bit of space between the two of them*

cap: what's going on?

me: well, steve, that is exactly what i am wondering... nat did you leave a note in my room after my birthday party?

nat: yes?

cap: ...

me: rodgers would you care to explain why that night i received no such note, despite the fact that you were in my room that night, when said note was allegedly delivered.

cap: ...

me: or why you have been so goddamn controlling lately?

cap: ...

me: tony was right. christ. I've got to go, is it alright if i take the car clint? *getting up*

clint: yeah, ofc.

steve: y/n-

me: nope. we're done. I'm tired. i will see y'all later.

           *I text tony to tell him that he was right (because calling felt too dangerous), then I went dark*

Billionaire, Playgirl, PhilanthropistOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz