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I woke up in his arms. Three missed calls from Max, another incoming. I answered, hoping Charles wasn't awake. He was. "Hello?"

"Just hello?!" Max sneered. "I've been worried about you all night, why didn't you tell me you were going to be somewhere else tonight?"

"You're not my dad." I said. "I'm grown, I can manage my own life, thanks." I said, full of attitude. It was too early to deal with him and his anger issues.

Charles kissed my neck. "Good morning, baby." He said, before kissing my cheek. I pushed him away, hoping max didn't hear. "Who's that" he mouthed.

"Who was that? You're at a guys'?"

"None of your business." I said dryly.

"That's no way to talk to me." Charles grabbed my wrist. "And don't push me away again."

"Who—what?!" Max got angry.

"Calm down, Max, he's just my boyfriend. He's a good guy.."

"But you don't know that.."

"You do. You know him."

"What?" He sighed. "Who?"


Charles took the phone. "I don't want your attention on anyone else." He said. "Who is it?"


"Verstappen? Why are you on the phone with him?"


"Are you cheating on me? That won't slide, dear." He said.

"No! No, it's...my brother."

"You're his sister?" His eyes widen. "No wonder you're so gorgeous." He laughed. "So why isn't your last name Verstappen?"

"Um... I have my mother's maiden name." 

"Oh." He looked at the phone, it was still on the call. He held it up to his ear. "Hey, max." He laughed.

"Leclerc?" He sighed. "What are you doing? That's my sister, man."

"I didn't know, uh...she was your.." he cleared his throat. "What's done is done." He said. "So I guess I'm going to be your brother-in-law. Max could almost hear the wink over the phone. Charles and his famous wink.

"Hmm, well..if you already slept with her, then..you better." Somehow he sounded more threatening over the phone than in person.

"Um..uh.." Charles tried to speak but max hung up.

"What...did he tell you? Wait what?" I asked.

"Don't worry about it." He handed me my phone. "You know what?" He took it back. He set it down on the nightstand. Then he pinned me down to the bed. "How bad do you want me?" He asked, in a lower tone, more seductive.

"I.." I bit my lip. I looked away, before he pushed my head back to look him in the eyes. "I want it..s-so bad.."

"Good girl." He bit his lip, looking at me. He leaned in, and kissed my neck, leaving several love marks. "So good for me.." he smiled widely. He pulled back and looked down at me. He had one hand, holding my arms above my head. The other he used on my neck, holding my head in place, looking at him. He forced me to make eye contact as he penetrated my body.

"AHN~" I let out, closing my eyes.

His grip on my neck tightened. "Look at me." He ordered, as he pushed faster. "Ah~hah~ah~" he let out a few moans, looking down at me.

"Mmn~ngah~" I let out before using my hands to force him closer to me.

"Can't get enough, huh?" He chuckled, as he pulled it out before he finished. Was he trying to tease me? Make me beg? Because it was working..


He looked away, and his grips loosened. "Look, I..." he avoided eye contact. "I don't know if we should be doing this.." he said. "I didn't even take you on a date or talk to you before I slept with you. This isn't the right way to do this. Don't get me wrong, it's incredibly hot and I'm madly in love with you, but..."


"Don't, uh...please don't hate me." He sighed. "C-can I take you on a date? Tonight, maybe? I just..."

"No, it's okay. I get it.." I sighed. "Here, let me just.." I got up, almost disappointed. I wanted it so bad. I love him and I'm glad he did what he did. I started to put my clothes on and I could sense his hurt. "Was it...something Max said?"

"Not exactly. Sure, he didn't help. But...I feel like...this is going a little too fast. I love it, too, but.." he looked down and I turned around to face him.

"Are you okay, baby?" I walked over, sat next to him, then put his head on my lap. I played with his hair as he cuddled up next to me. "Tell me."

"Well, I'm scared you or Max doesn't think I'm good enough because of...the way our relationship started. It's crazy because...I haven't even asked you..." he said. He got up. "Hey, look at me."


"I love you so, so much..please...will you be my girlfriend?" He swallowed hard, clearly nervous.

"Of course I will." I kissed him. "I love you, too. And yes, you are good enough. I love you so much."

He held me close. It made me wonder, who hurt him?

"Mine." A Charles Leclerc Fanfiction.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن