"That's a new one. I never heard that one, Jack." said Leah.

"Narrow in on the energy reading." said Cruger.

"I'm on it." said Kat.

"What's going on, Kat?" asked Syd.

"What energy reading, sir?" asked Sky.

"I'm detecting an alternate ranger energy reading downtown." answered Kat.

"But we're not downtown." said Bridge. "I mean, I'm not downtown. I don't think I am."

"You're not, Bridge." said Leah. Syd then looks at Z.

"Don't look at me! I'm all here." said Z.

"It's gotta be the "A" Squad." exclaimed Sky.

"They made it back!" said Syd as the rangers started to get excited.

In the city, Connor, Ethan and Kira were still running from Broodwing and were chased by Krybots. "Come on!" shouted Connor as they continued to run. "Down here!"

Suddenly they were back into a corner. "Any thoughts to what these things are?" asked Connor.

"They're not Tyrannodrones, but they're up there in the creepy department." said Kira.

"Any ideas on how to get out of this?" asked Connor.

"I'm still trying to figure out how we got in it." said Ethan. Then the Krybots started attacking the former rangers. Kira was fighting a group of Krybots when she suddenly screamed like a Pterodactyl. The Krybots were knocked back, their circuits destroyed.

Connor was battling his group of Krybots when he suddenly went over the side and went fast to his feet. Connor then ran quickly to destroy his. Ethan was dealing with his group of Krybots when he rolled up his sleeves and the triceratops skin suddenly appeared. The Krybots tried to defeat Ethan but were outmatched by him. When Ethan finally defeated his group, he looks down and sees circuits coming out of its chest.

"It's a robot!" Ethan exclaimed and he picks up a leg. "Check out the crazy circuitry. Way advanced."

Suddenly a laser was shot and all three were knocked to the ground. When they looked up, Broodwing was coming towards them. "Fools!" shouted Broodwing. "Do you think you could get away from me that easily?"

"We've run away from a lot worse than you buddy." said Ethan. "Ooh, that didn't come out right at all."

"Who are you? What do you want with us?" asked Kira.

"Your power is legendary throughout the galaxy." explained Broodwing and Krybots were by his side. "Fight alongside me, and we'll bring down this wretched planet."

"Maybe you're suffering from a lack of oxygen from being in that punch bowl too long, but in case you didn't notice, we're the good guys." said Connor.

"Yeah, we're not exactly about destroying our own planet." Kira said in agreement.

"Oh, I think you'll come around to my way of thinking with a little persuasion." said Broodwing as Kira, Connor and Ethan took their stances.

Just then, the rangers arrived in the jeeps. "What?!" shouted Broodwing as he turned around.

"Hey Broodwing! How's it hanging?" said Leah as she got out of the jeep with her squad and started fighting the Krybots. Kira, Connor and Ethan stood there watching as B-Squad fought the Krybots. "Back off, Broodwing!" said Jack.

"Fly back to where you came from." said Z.

"S.P.D.-always getting in my way! I'm not through with any of you!" said Broodwing as he flies off.

Power Rangers S.P.D: Purple RangerWhere stories live. Discover now