Chapter 3: downfall part 3

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Sirzechs' voice cut through the tense atmosphere like a thunderclap, his words laced with fury and disbelief.

Sirzechs:Did you know what you just did?

he roared, his eyes blazing with righteous anger.

Sirzechs:You have betrayed them, Rias. Betrayed their trust, their loyalty, everything they believed in. And for what?

His rage was palpable, his fists clenched at his sides as he struggled to contain the tempest of emotions raging within him. The weight of my actions bore down on me like a crushing weight, the realization of the pain and suffering I had caused threatening to consume me whole.

I opened my mouth to speak, to try to explain, but the words died on my lips as Sirzechs continued his tirade.

Sirzechs:You even trespassed into other factions, endangering not only yourself but all of us

he thundered, his voice echoing through the room with the force of a hurricane.

Sirzechs:Do you have any idea of the consequences of your actions? The chaos, the destruction you could have unleashed?

His words struck me like a blow to the gut, the gravity of my actions crashing down on me with unbearable force. How could I have been so blind, so foolish? How could I have allowed my own desires, my own ambitions, to blind me to the consequences of my actions?

Even Grayfia, my mother figure and mentor, looked on with a mixture of disappointment and disgust, her usually stoic expression betraying the turmoil raging within her. I felt a pang of guilt twist in my chest at the sight of her disappointment, knowing that I had let her down, betrayed her trust.

Rias:I... I didn't mean for any of this to happen

I stammered, my voice barely above a whisper.

Rias:I never wanted to hurt anyone, least of all my friends. I thought I was doing what was best for everyone, but I see now that I was wrong.

But Sirzechs' rage showed no signs of abating, his eyes blazing with righteous fury as he continued to berate me for my actions. And as I stood there, bathed in the harsh light of his condemnation, I knew that there was no excuse, no justification for what I had done.

Rias: I just wanted to...

Grayfia:Be quiet

....Grayfia stopped me

Grayfia:When I said you can get a peerage to compete against riser in a ratings game I didn't mean it like this

As Grayfia's stern command cut through the air, silencing my feeble attempt to justify my actions, I felt a wave of shame wash over me. I had let everyone down, betrayed their trust and jeopardized our safety, all in the pursuit of my own selfish desires.

But before I could even begin to process the weight of Grayfia's words, Sirzechs turned his wrath towards her, his eyes flashing with anger and accusation.

Sirzechs:So you were the one that caused this, right?

he demanded, his voice cold and accusatory.

Grayfia met his gaze with steely resolve, her expression unyielding despite the fury in Sirzechs' eyes.

Grayfia: I suggested the idea of assembling a peerage to compete against Riser

She admitted, her voice calm and measured.

Grayfia:But I never anticipated that it would lead to this.

Sirzechs' jaw clenched with barely contained rage, his fists trembling at his sides as he struggled to rein in his emotions.

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