Chapter Nine: What goes up must come down

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 It's been two weeks since my appointment at the hospital. Looking down at my discharge papers still in shock. I threw them on the bed, not wanting to look at them anymore. If I do, they just might persuade me to tell him. I need some air. Leaving my apartment, I went for a walk in the nearby park.

I saw women and men with their children looking happy. A little further down I see a dad comforting his son who had just injured himself. A little girl in a light pink dress and white shoes runs past me with the happiest face. I couldn't help but smile and admire all the love in the air.

After clearing my head, I feel a little better about my situation. Walking into my apartment I smell like goat milk and cheese. I should take a shower. While getting all lathered up to wash my funk away, I hear a loud thud come from my front room. I quickly wash and jump out the shower, grabbing my plunger. ready to go and take out whoever dares to enter my home.

Exiting the bathroom, I see Wenston standing beside my bed holding the discharge papers looking at me with a broken expression.

"Why didn't you tell me?" He yelled distraughtly at me. "I just found out two weeks ago. I wasn't feeling well, I thought it was just my cycle because I'm late. To be honest I thought it was just stress related." "Why didn't you call me if you felt sick for that long? Don't you trust me? I thought we were in this together."

Standing there silent, feeling defeated, but I knew I was going to have this conversation with him sooner or later. "We are in this together and at the time, I felt I had this all under control. But then I got not one, not two but four positive pregnancy tests. I felt like my world just came crashing down." I say crying letting all my pent-up emotions out. He takes me into a loving hug, I'm crying so hard I drop the plunger.

All of a sudden my feet are no longer on the floor and I'm being carried to the bed. He sets me down gently and gets in the bed hugging me. My face is in his chest and his arms and legs are wrapped around me. He then whispers to me "I believe you when you said that we are in this together and I think it's time to bring our relationship to the light to my parents.

There's an event we hold every year. It's for charity. We donate a good sum of money to any charity that's picked out the fishbowl at the end of the night. It's called the Fishing for Funds Charity. I would love it, if you would be my plus one for the event." Sitting up in his lap wiping my tears away I agreed with him then asked, "When is the Charity event?" he took his hand and placed it on my chin, lifting it so I can look him in the eyes, then says, "Tomorrow afternoon."

Slapping his chest with my hands out of frustration "Are you joking? Why the late notice?" He laughed and caught my flailing hands in midair, brought them to his face and kissed them one by one while tightening his grip on my hands. It started to hurt slightly; he was staring at me like he was giving me a warning. Looking away he let my hands go. Turns my head back to him and says, "No I'm not joking, I wish I was to be honest.

And the late notice is because I wasn't going to go, but now it's my priority to do so." Looking at him with a frown on my face. I said, "Your priority?" He chuckles and then gives me a confused look. "Yes, my priority, it takes two to tango and it was amazing, might I add. If it wasn't for my lack of caution and safety, we are pregnant."

Looking at him with a relaxed face, I know he is right, but I can't face his mother like this, especially not after the performance I put on at the restaurant. Looking back at him I nod in agreement. He said "Good, I'm not going anywhere tonight and it's likely I'm going to have you move in with me." Shaking my head no, I said "I'm not moving out of my home, I refuse." He frowns ''

"But you are here all by yourself with no help of any kind, and it would make me feel at ease if the woman I love and is carrying my child would just do what I ask." Sitting straight up I firmly said, "No I'm not moving and if you are worried about us then come and visit occasionally." He still didn't look happy. "And what about the second job? One of them got to go. If I have to give you money to live then I will do that but it's not healthy for my woman to stress and work so hard.

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