2. ᴏɴᴇ ᴛɪɴʏ ᴀᴄᴛ

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[Name] cradled their wrist after Adam finally released them. They weren't anywhere specific, just in the main area of heaven. Where most the citizens spend their days.

Adam got himself another drink and shoo'd off one of his 'friends' with the masks.

"Adam?.." [Name] finally spoke up.

"Yeah what's up?" He didn't even turn their direction.

"Why do you wear that mask?" [Name] got nervous at Adams silence. "I just mean because- you know you just always-" They spoke fast.

"Jus' for fun." He obnoxiously drank. "Why you miss my face or something?" That snarky grin appeared on the mask.

"No I was just curious." [Name] shrugged as they realized they weren't in trouble. Adams face fell.

"imeanididntevenwannashowyoumyfaceanyways." He mumbled under his breath. petty.

[Name] twiddled their fingers in boredom. They wanted to go back to the library, but if they mentioned that, they feared Adam would get upset. He most likely would.

"So what was that library bitches deal anyways?" Adam looked down at [Name]'s face, which quickly changed to cover up their emotions.

"What?" [Name] genuinely did not understand the question.

Adam rolled his eyes. "[Name] yOu wErE sAyinG?" He mocked. "yOu sUre?"

"Oh that?" [Name] pulled at the collar of their robe. "She was just- asking me how I was- that's.. normal? I think." [Name] tried to explain. Adam however took offense.

"yeah right. What does she think you hate me or something?" He scoffed. ""yOu sUrE?" Who does she think she talking too?" He scowled.

"Im- I'm sure she didn't mean that-" [Name] attempted to defend.

"No yeah sure." He said sarcastically. "She definitely didn't." He huffed.

Time for [Name] to jump in. Mx. Ego fixer. "why would- would she even say that? Pff. We- we are sooo close. She wouldn't even- even- understand. N-Never going back to that library!."

[Name] hoped that bad attempt at trying to comfort Adam would be enough. They've known him for thousands of years, it should be enough.

Adam grins and throws on arm over [Name]'s shoulder. He bends down to their height. "See! You get it! This is why your my favorite." He stands back up. Visibly more relaxed now.

"y-yay.." [Name] sighs. [Name] awkwardly stands next to Adam as he figures out what they should do next.

"we could do golf.. or mini golf.. we could go to the zoo again.. but the zoo fucking sucks sometimes." Adam sighs as he thinks.

One of the masked "friends" of Adam flys down next to him. Her mask on only due to the fact it's for "business."

She whispers something in his ear and his eyes widen. "Shit uh.. gotta go realllll quick. Be right back [Name]."

"What- but- you just got back?"

"It's just real quick! Don't be a bummer. Stay here I'll be right back!!" He flew off.

"Like I believe that." [Name] muttered under their breath. They knew he wouldn't be back for awhile.

He'd been disappearing alot. First that odd yearly event, now a whole bunch of "secret" getaways.

[Name] scowled. How was it fair for [Name]'s life to revolve around him, when he didn't even seem to have the time for them.

They looked back the direction of the library.

Maybe one act of defiance was okay.

It's not like he'd know..

He was probably off with a woman. That's what [Name] assumed anyways.

It'd be fine. They were fine.


"We found the body sir." Adams lieutenant spoke, showing footage one of their ships caught. "They've never managed to kill one of us before." She snarled.

The image of the dead exorcist behind her being a very different contrast to what heaven usually showed.

"We should just go down there now and destroy them!" She walks towards where Adam is sitting.

"No. No. We can't risk them catching on. But don't worry, when we come back," his grin was sinister, "there won't be a demon alive," he raised his fist, "to pull a stunt like this again!" His fist came down a broke the device showing the image.


[Name] snuck into the library, hoping the librarian wouldn't spot them.

"[Name]?" Of course.

"Ah.. hello again.. Mary." [Name] tried to hide the book under their robe.

"Let me see."

"What..?" [Name] was caught off guard.

"What book do you have there? Let's check it out." She smiled. Her smile was like a mother's, warm and friendly. Whatever a "mother" was, it was the opposite of the way Adam made them feel. It was.. nice.

Her name was Mary, she was motherly, but not the mother of Jesus. Very similar in [Name]'s mind though.

[Name]'s face flushed with embarrassment. They pulled out the book and handed it to Mary.

"Mmmm.. phycology? Never took you to be interested in that." She grinned.

"Oh- pff- it's just-" [Name] took a deep breath. "There's a section on dreams.."

"Oh? Dream phycology. Is someone you know having problems? That's unfortunate dear." She put the book down. "This book doesn't actually go to deep into it. Let's find you another one better suited!"

[Name] followed after the librarian. They hadn't felt this relaxed since.. ever?


Adam landed back at the spot he was previously with [Name]. Lute behind him. Adam looked around the area.

"Where the fuck is my [Name]?" He frowned. "I told them to stay right here-" he gestured to the spot. "The fuck?"

"Want me to look for them, sir?" Lute questioned.

"What? No. They'll be weirded out. They only like me." He boasted. "They have been asking weird questions lately. What if they found someone else?" He gasped internationally. "Nah they couldn't."

"Questions? Maybe they're trying to.. fall?" Lute questioned.

Adam burst out laughing. "BWHAH- [Name]? Fallen? In hell? Please like they couldn't handle that-" He wheezed between words. He wiped away a tear. "woo. I needed that." He sighed.

"Okay funs over. Where the fuck are they?" He scowled.


"wait.. why aren't you.. mad at me .?" [Name]'s voice cracked.

"Why would I be mad, dear?" Mary smiled as she finished checking out the book.

"Because Adam interrupted the conversation and- and dragged me off- and I tried to steal a book-" [Name] ranted.

Mary put a hand on [Name]'s shoulder. "I would never be mad at you for that, dear."

[Name]'s worry melted with those few words. "Oh." They felt confused. "But- but Adam would be so mad if I did any of those things to him."

Mary frowned. She didn't know how to tell [Name] something they weren't ready to hear. "Come back another time dear. We'll get tea and have a chat, yeah?"

[Name] nodded. "That.. sounds nice."

[Name] was forgetting something.... But what..

"Adam." [Name] came to a realization. "Im sorry Mary, I have to go- I'm not supposed to be here-"

[Name] hid the book in their robe and flew off.

Mary frowned at that. She waved [Name] off. "That poor, poor, child."

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