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"Are you ok?"

I awoke to nothing but dust and bright, yellow eyes staring into mine, they had a soft and worried look.

I felt my body twisted up and possibly severed on a cold snow mound.

I sat up. "Where are we..?"

Pain surged through my body and I limply fell over again.

For your name, choose the first letter! But, if your name begins with a letter that is already used in the show, then use the first letter of your middle name, last name, nickname, etc,.


My surroundings cleared up and I saw N bending over me.

"N? What's going on? What are we doing here?"

"I don't know, I can't remember anything. A-Are you sure you're ok? Your wings don't look too good." He pointed right above me with a grimace.

I wearily looked up to see my wings torn apart with many holes in them. I made an anxious noise. I saw N's sympathetic expression and quickly tried to change my mood.

"It's fine, it'll regenerate." I told him reassuringly.

"Stay here, I'll go look for J and V." He stood up, then spread his wings and made one big flap, which sent him shooting through the snowy, dark sky.

I stared up after him as I laid there helplessly, waiting for my lost and busted up body parts to grow back.


About 20 minutes later I could feel my body parts coming back then I slowly got up and dusted myself off.

"N's been gone a while." I thought. "It's strange of him to seem that worried about me, we never even really talk to each other much." I stood there and pondered for a moment longer, then heard whooshing noises which were unmistakably metal wings.

V and J landed a few yards in front of me with N a little distance behind them. Snow was scattered across their optical screens.

"What is this junky planet?" J rudely asked N, rubbing off her face.

"I'm not sure." He put a hand to his chin in deep thought.

"Y'know, J, you could've asked a little more politely considering he was just looking for you because he was worried about you." I put a hand on my hip then pointed at her with my long, metal claws.

I could see N getting nervous in the background as J rolled her eyes.

"Anyways, should we look around?" I suggested.

"I am getting hungry." V remarked.

"Great. You and J go look for food while me and N will investigate over here."

"Why are you talking like that? You're not the leader of the squad." J asked, seeming frustrated.

"Just a suggestion." I shrugged. "I mean, unless if you wanna starve."

J growled then spread her wings and flew up with V.

Sorry for the short chapter :p

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