Chapter 2

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I got up and grabbed all of my stuff out of my cubbie.
Leah walks up to me and asks if I want a ride to the apartment. "thanks Le".
"No problem i will tell Katie because she drove us here".
I watch her walk away and tell Katie.
I see Katie look at me and she smiles and nods me to come over so we could head out.

The ride was mostly just me and Leah talking trying to get to know each other.
Once we arrive at the apartment Leah showed me to my room which was pretty nice.
"Your free too decorate it to your own taste, if you would like. If you need anything let me know i will be downstairs".
I looked around te room and got a million ideas of how to decorate it.


After I unpacked a bit I get down to the leaving room where Katie and Leah were sitting on the couch.
I joined them and asked them if they have any plans tonight.
"We are going to beths and vivs to hang out with a couple of girls of the team" Leah said.
"You should come too, it will be funn" Katie said with a grin on her face. Why is she grinning... now i'm getting anxious..
"Yes please y/n come with us" leah said with puppy dog eyes.
"Sure why not sounds like fun"

Around 8 pm we head out to beths and vivs.

We pull up in the driveway and Beth is already waiting by the door. I guess Leah texted her that we were almost there.
She greets me with a hugg and said " I'm glad you came along, I wanted ro invite you but I didn't have your number yet so.."
" Mead... are you trying to score my number? I'm flattered but you know you already whipped right?" I joked.
Beth burst out laughing "you wish y/l/n"
Beth and I have the same humor so it was quite obvious we would become best buddies.
She handed me her phone and I put my number in.
Few seconds later I get a notification that I was added to their group chat with basically all of the arsenal girls.

Allesia, Vic, Viv, Leah and Katie were already inside sitting on the couch. I greet everyone with a hug.
I walk over to a free spot on the couch next to Katie and Beth. Great i thought to myself..
But I tripped over something and landed face first on the couch. I look over to katie and see that I tripped over her foot that she stook out on purpose.
A couple of girls hold back their laughs and Katie just smirks at me. She's trying to get to me.
"Not cool Mccabe" Beth scolded her with a disappointing look on her face.
"Don't mind Mccabe y/n she is a dick sometimes" Viv said to me and I hear Katie gasp beside me.
"Am not!"
"Then prove it and be nice to y/n".
"Fine" Katie said while she was rolling her eyes.

Beth pulled me up on the couch and we all just sat around getting to know each other better.
Then Beth came with the "brilliant idea" to play truth or dare.
Ohh god here we go...

Beth: "Katie truth or dare?"
Katie: "dare, truth is for pussys" of course she was cocky..
Beth: "alrightt thenn.. I dare you to beat y/n in a race. One lap around the house "
This could get interesting..
Katie: "alright gorgeous you sure you can handle me?"
Y/n: " ohh I'm gonna beat your ass Mccabe"
" we will see about that newbie" katie said smirking.
Oh it's definitely on now, I need to win this.

Beth: "Readyyy settt goooo"
I took off a bit later than Katie because of course she would cheat and go early.
I caught up with her tho when we came outside.
We were head to head and this was the last corner we had to turn around the house before heading back inside.
I run beside Katie and putt all of my weight in the bump I gave her and she lost her balance and fell to the ground.
I continued running and got inside.

"Whhoooo I knew you would winn" Beth said with a huge smile on her face.
Katie came in all red and steamy because of how angry she was "She only won because she cheated".
"Don't be a sore loser Mccabe" now it was my turn to smirk at katie.
She came up to me so close that our faces were inches apart "you better watch it y/l/n".
I replied whispering in her ear while still smirking "Your hott when you're angry" and left her there speechless.

"I guess that hurted your ego a bitt huh Mccabe?" Viv said laughing.
"Shut up Viv" katie answered her bestfriend with an obviously brushed ego.

Beth: "Because you won its your turn y/n"
"Alright truth or dare too Leah"
Leah: "Really y/n why me, truth"
Y/N: " because you are a easy targett"
Leah mouth opened wide in shock and the other girls just laughed.
Y/N: " kidding love you Le"
"alright truth right? Do you or have you ever had a crush on someone in this room?"
Leah: "yes and thats all you're getting".
"Naaahww" we all answered.

The game continued amongst the other girls when  Viv asked me truth or dare.
Of course me with my big mouth said dare.
"I dare you to kiss the person you think is the fittest in this room" viv said while smirking.
She and Beth definitely made a plan to get me to kiss katie because they noticed the tension between us.

I got up and walked around the room pretending I didn't knew who to kiss.
Then I stopped before Katie and sat down on her lap.
She looked a bitt surprised I guess? But she was still smirking at me.. soo maybe not?

I leaned in and putt my lips on hers.
I pulled away slightly and heard here mumble " you call that a kiss?" And with that she crashed her lips back onto mine and without asking for entrance putt her tongue in my mouth.
I hold back a moan because this woman really knew what she was doing.
I obviously kiss back and then we break apart when we heard oowwhing from the girls that I forgot were even there for a second.

Katie makes eye contact with me while she pulled away and has this sweet and proud smile on her face.
Then she pushed me off her lap and there I was on the floor again...
I got up in silence and she just said " what's wrong y/n cat caught your tongue?"
"Not really and if i'm being honest I have had better"
Oh yeah great comeback Y/N... now she thinks you didn't like the kiss.
She dropped her mouth slightly open ready to say something back but she didn't. Weird right?

We decided that it was enough truth or dare for tonight and all headed home after a few more drinks and just some talking.
Katie avoided eye contact with me for the rest of the evening with her bruised ego.

We got home said goodnight and went straight to bed because it was quite late.
I changed in to just a sports bra and some shorts and got into my bed ready for sleep to take over but
I couldn't sleep because I always slept better with someone then alone so I got up and walked to Leah her room and knocked on her door luckily she was still awake.

I saw her eyes travel up en down my muscular body before she met my eyes and turned a bit red.
Can't really blame the girl .
I stood there in only a sports bra and shorts and I was proud of my body so I didn't really care if people would stare at me. So I just shoot her a sheep less smile.

"Whats wrong y/n?" She asked now worried.
"Nothing I just can't sleep well alone" I replied
She scooted over to the left side of the bed and opened the blanket up to signal me to come and lay on the right side of the bed.
I jumped into her bed and said "thanks Le, do you want a cuddle or do you prefer space?"
"Cuddlesss pleassee" she said in the sweetest voice ever.
With that I cuddled into her me being the big spoon of course and we went straight to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16 ⏰

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