The beginning

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My alarm went off and I shoot up out of my bed.
This is the day! the start of my professional football career!! I'm so exited to join Arsenal! I heard they treat each other like family over there and to be honest sounds amazing to become a part of.

I got scouted for Arsenal a while back when i was just playing for my hometown in the Netherlands.
They saw a great talent in me and said I could make it big even tho I'm slightly older than other players to start out.
But i mean 25 isn't that old and I could make it far even if i'm still a nobody (or so i thought...).

I got out of bed because I needed to catch the plane on time and i'm kinda famous for showing up too late.. which can't happen right now.
So I take a shower and get dressed in some joggers, sports bra which I look really good in because of my abbs (if i do say so myself) and finish it off with a nice red arsenal hoodie that I already owned because I always was a big fan of the club.
Put on the minimum amount of makeup and packed the last couple of things in my suitcase.
I ran downstairs to make myself a smoothie for breakfast.

I check the time and i still have a couple of minutes left before I needed to go to the airport.
I grab my phone and check my texts to see one of my sister. We are really close and she calls herself my biggest fan.

from BigSis💕:
Iknoww we said no sad goodbyes.
But I wanted to tell you how proud I am of you and that i'm going to miss you like crazy!
Go show those gunners what they have been missing and what of a great asset you are!!!
Love you soo much!
Text me when you land ok?

                                             You're the best big sister in
                                             The world! And will do!                                 
                                             love you too!
I really gonna miss her.
I'm gonna miss everyone here especially my old team mates who are also close friends.
They are being really supportive tho and are happy for me to have such a big breakthrough.

I hear the doorbell ring, must be the girls to pick me up and drive me to the airport.
The girls being Amber, Lotte and Fleur.
They insisted to drop me off because they wanted a last hugg before I become famous and don't have time for them anymore... not my words but theirs.
I open the door, they burst through it and tackle me into a big group hugg.

"Get off me you weirdos" i said to my former teammates and best friends.
"No way! We're really gonna miss you so you better accept the hugg. Don't act like you don't love huggs and cuddles y/n" said Amber my best mate.
I laughed and said "you're right come here" and hugged them so hard that they all said " ok.. can't... breathh..." I let them go after that.

"Sooo miss big shot. You ready to live your dream?" Fleur asks me.
"Hell yess! I'm gonna kick some ass" i said with my big ego.
" I'm sure you will y/n" Lotte said.
I smile at them and get my suitcase.
"Ready to go? Are you sure you have everything you need? Iknow you, You always forget something" Amber said while rolling her eyes.
"Yes i'm ready! Nope got everything" i replied.

We all get in to the car and have a music session.
We arrive at the airport and get out of the car.
They all give me one last hug as we say our goodbyes.

Once i got on the plane the time flew bye literally..
I landed and got through security went outside and saw a driver with y/n y/l/n on it.
I walked up to him and said " hi, I'm y/n"
"Hi miss y/l/n, I was sent here by Jonas to pick you up and bring you to the stadium"
I thanked him.
We get in to the town car and drive in silence to the stadium.
I text my best friends and sister that I landend save and sound.

I see Jonas sanding outside waiting for me.
I thanked the driver and get my baggage out of the trunk.
"Hi y/n! It's very nice to see you again! And to welcome you here. We are all very exited to have you here !" Jonas said
" thank you so much, I'm really exited too!" I replied.
J: "So we gonna start by signing the contract and giving you your kit with the number 12, take some pictures and then go meet the girls. Sounds good?"
Y/n: "Yeah sounds great !"

After I signed the contract I got my Arsenal shirt with my number 12 on it and they took a view pictures with me holding it.
Jonas walked me to the breakroom where all the girls were to meet me and to train after that.
Once he opened the doors all eyes were on me and I carefully scan the room to see all the "big names" in front of me like who would have thought I got to play in the same team as Miedema, Mead, Russo, Williamson and go onn.. but one person caught my eye because I have had a crush on her since she started out .. Katie McCabe she is even more beautiful in person.

The girls all come up to me and welcome me to the team. Beth and Viv were very welcoming, i could tell we will get along very well.
Then McCabe came over to introduce herself and I couldn't help but stare at her a little.
I tried my best not to be obvious and she didn't seem to notice so I was save for now...
"Hi I'm Katie McCabe i'm one off the captains on the team and mostly play out on the wing".
"Hi nice to finally meet you!" More than that didn't come out of me.
Then she walked away and couldn't help but be a little sad about it.

Viv and Vic walked with me to the changing room and showed me my cubby.
I got changed in my kit for training and we all went out on the pitch.
The training went really well and it wasn't hard to keep up for me.

We decided to end the training session with a friendly match against each other.
team 1 exists out of: me, Viviane Miedema, Beth Mead, Victoria Pelova, Lotte Wubben-Moy.
The other team was: Leah Williamson, Steph Catley, Catlin Foord, Allesia Russo and Katie McCabe.

My team was in the lead by 1-0 bc of the amazing goal Viv made.
I was running down the pitch with the ball on my feet I run past Leah and Steph and right before i take the shot on goal I landed on the ground by the one and only Katie McCabe.. since I'm really competitive I got really mad and said: " what the fuck was that for McCabe?" And got up and pushed her.
She just stood there with a grinn on her face and said " calm down if you can't even take a tackle y/l/n then maybe you choose the wrong career".
By this time I think there was literal steam coming out of my ears because Beth came over to me and tried to calm me down.
With that we decided to end the game and had back to de changing room.

I walked in front of everyone still very pissed off and decided to cool down with a shower.
Once i came out of the shower i only had a short and sport bra on and I couldn't help but feel eyes burning on me.
I looked around and saw Katie quickly looking the other direction once she noticed me looking around.
I didn't think much of it and putt the rest of my clothes on.

Once everyone was dressed Jonas came in and said I will be placed in the apartment with Katie and Leah.
I sigh to myself at the thought of being in the same apartment as McCabe after the stunt she pulled earlier.
She hasn't been very welcoming....

Hi guys,
This is my first story ever! So please be nice😅
If you have any tips or requests let me know!

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