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The waves of the ocean flowed slowly onto the shore, seagulls squawking in the distance as they searched for food. The weather was perfect to go out and have a stroll on the pier with the salty cool breeze blowing by.

Children could be heard laughing while the adults chatted with one another, it was as if this was paradise, very different from the gloomy and cold environment of London. This new place felt warm and safe, a safe place for everyone.

Nellie was busting herself in the kitchen, washing the dishes while also admiring the view she got of the ocean from the window. If she were to pick her favorite room in her new cottage, it would be the kitchen, for of course cooking but also because it has the perfect spot to look at the beautiful sea. Listening to the soft swish of the waves relaxed her when there were rough days, she just wishes her child will agree with her.

As if on cue, she heard the sound of wailing in the distance and sighed.

She dropped everything she was doing and wiped her hands with a dish towel and scurried off into her bedroom where a crying baby girl laid in her crib. Her chubby cheeks red and stained with her tears once Nellie reached her and gently lifted her up and began to cradle her.

"What is it now my love? I fed ya earlier, do you need a new nappy?" She asked the babe as if she'll respond back. Nellie loved her daughter, Evelyn her name was. A simple but beautiful name Nellie thought would be nice, but also named after her favorite aunt as her middle name. She could still remember the first time she held her in her arms, how small and delicate she was. Nellie was in tears and Sweeney was at her side and she could sworn she could see the corners of his mouth form into a smile. She knew he loved his daughter as much as she did.

Though unfortunately the sweet joy of a new born baby didn't last long when just two weeks after being born, baby Evelyn was already making demands, and by demands meaning she will cry for almost anything and half of the time Nellie didn't know what it was.

Of course she wasn't suffering alone, she made sure Sweeney will help her if needed. Though he couldn't be here now since he was at work, Nellie became accustomed to being a house wife despite preferring to work and not sit at home all day, but that didn't mean she didn't like being a mother, of course she loved it, she has no regrets for this new life.

Her and Sweeney have been living in Lorient of France for almost a year now. Once they arrived to Lorient, Sweeney and Johanna have agreed to stay in contact after three barber told her she is his daughter. Not only that but a month after the demon couple have settled into their new home, Sweeney proposed to Nellie and are now happily married as Mr and Mrs Todd with a child on the way.

"Sleep my child and peace attend thee..." Nellie began to sing an old lullaby she couldn't remember where she heard from but she prayed it will make her daughter go to sleep as she rocked her back and forth slowly.

She was exhausted, although she didn't had a job at the moment m, her job now was to clean the house and cook and care for her child and while Sweeney and Toby and occasionally Johanna will come to visit and help her with the baby, she couldn't help but feel lonely. With Sweeney at work and Toby out with his friends for a majority of the day, the house felt empty with the only company being her two month old baby daughter, which wasn't bad. At least she has someone to talk to, she just wishes Evelyn could talk back.

Speaking of Evelyn, she seemed to calm down once Nellie began to sing to her. She's cute when she's not crying so much, Nellie thought as she stared at her daughter lovingly and relieved her crying has stopped. She looked so much like Sweeney, at least that's what Nellie thought. She has Sweeney's eyes and hair, but it seems she has the baker's nose.

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