Chapter 15

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A/N - Hey guys, sorry I haven't posted in a while, the website I was watching this on crashed so I had to find a new one but I'm back now so happy reading ig?

The next subject of the day was poison lab and Mr Denke walked up and down the classroom between desks

"What you're cooking today" Denke began "Is a dastardly syrup I call mellow yellow, one drop and you're overcome with primal hallucinations and terrible anguish"

At this Aurelia perked up hastily scribbly notes down in her journal

"Sounds a lot like a night with Petra" A kid from Chico's gang piped up "Right Vik"

Viktor scoffed not missing a beat "I didn't know Chico's lapdog was allowed to speak"

Aurelia smiled to herself knowing her earlier conversation with Viktor had, had her intended impact before the smile quickly dropped off her face when she saw Brandy approach Petra her grip on her pencil steadily increasing threatening to break it, however she relaxed her grip when Brandy walked away

Meanwhile on the other side of the classroom Billy had been trying to make light of his earlier injury teasing the perpetrator who was sat next to Marcus, the thing was that Marcus was not one to take things lying down and to see Billy hurt was the final straw

"Let me grab those jellybeans" Marcus said reaching over confusing the legacy beside him before knocking over the jar of mellow yellow right into the legacy's lap as Billy practically shrieked with laughter while the legacy stood there shaking and screaming about some kind of fire

"Karma my man Kar-ma" Billy barely got the words out between laughs as the rest of the class looked on entertained by the spectacle even Aurelia who struggle to stifle a small giggle

Denke sighed in defeat "The rest of you are free" he said dismissing the class, all but Marcus "Stay put" he pushed Marcus back into his seat as he went to leave

"Class clown around here, ends poorly" Denke spoke seriously not noticing Aurelia who lingered in the hallway

"Dude I was trying" Marcus protested "Serious, I wanna learn but I'm sort of shit at everything"

"You'll get there give it time" Denke reassured "These legacy's, been tutored in this their whole lives"

Marcus scoffed "Does it bother you? Training people like that?"

Denke chucked "I though we were training a generation of 'burn it all down'"

"Well looks like you're propping it up" Marcus said

Denke smashed a bottle as he cleaned up after the class "They put a carrot on a stick until you catch it you have the power to achieve your goals" he explained "But bit by bit they move it from your path to theirs" he sat down next to Marcus "Yesterday you said something that reminded me, maybe I lost my way"

Marcus interrupted him sarcastically "Ah I didn't mean to crumb on you, you know talk is cheap what do I know?"

Denke moved his chair closer "It's gonna get worse, not better, keep your head down, pick your battles, save your time from maximum destruction, play ball with King's until you know what you need, then get the fuck out" he finished before dismissing Marcus "before finals"

Marcus sat there slightly stunned while Aurelia stood in the doorway, still unnoticed, conflicted in between her duty to King's Dominion and her syndicate as well as her relationship with Marcus, after a while Aurelia's answer became clear to her, family first she would put the syndicate above Marcus. She then left going to find Saya.


"I don't know" Maria mentioned "the dance might be fun" she said trying to convince Aurelia and Saya to come

"I'd rather eat glass" Saya responded as she took books out of her locker "Aurie?"

"Hmm?" Aurelia asked Saya's voice shaking her out of her daydream

"The dance hermana the dance" Maria almost yelled in exasperation

"Well I suppose if someone asks me, and they're not as ugly as Shabnam" Aurelia shrugged as Saya snorted

"See Saya, Aurelia said she'd go" Maria said looking at Saya pleadingly

"Fine" Saya begrudgingly agreed

"Ooh we can go shopping for outfits after school today" Aurelia chimed in excitedly while Maria nodded eagerly, it seemed the only thing that the two could agree on is their love for makeup

Saya once again agreed as Marcus ran past them heading towards Willie

"Anyone wanna bet on Willie acting like a total ass?" Aurelia asked as she applied lip gloss upholding her cold demeanour

Both Saya and Maria raised their hand equally bored expressions on their faces as they watched the interaction

"Dude something's up I think Jurgens-" Marcus placed a hand on Willie's shoulder

"Who you touching rat?" Willie turned around sneering as he took Marcus' hand off his shoulder before Marcus took off walking back in the direction he came but not before stealing a glance at Aurelia who ignored him completely

"Oh well, that was inevitable" Aurelia said turning around

"Lover boy's looking at you again" Maria teased

"Oh please" Aurelia scoffed "I was only protecting him because he's my pledge"

"Aurelia" Saya nudged her "that was supposed to be a secret

"Well I'm letting Maria in on it, I think she deserves a second chance" Aurelia grinned "We could be a trio, the beautiful, the dark, and the deadly"

"I like the sound of that" Maria smiled "I'm sorry for trying to use Marcus"

"No need, I'm sorry for breaking your nose" Aurelia smiled slightly

"Aw look at us we're all friends now" Saya stated in a monotone voice sending both Maria and Aurelia into giggles

"That reminds me, meet at my dorm after class I have something to give you before we go shopping" Aurelia smiled pleased to have a new friend that she could rely on

"Of course" Maria and Saya replied both relieved that their trio worked out


"I'm in" Petra said walking up to Viktor

"Seriously?" Viktor grinned "Why the change of mind?"

"Just to spite Brandy" Petra admitted

Viktor made a face "I'll take it"

"I'm not dressing like some candy ass valley girl" Petra made clear

Viktor shrugged "Dress like it's a funeral if you want, I-I'm just happy you're coming"

Petra let a small smile creep up on her face before leaving Viktor in the hallway

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