Chapter 3

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The bell rang and students started to file in Brandy sitting next to Marcus and Aurelia being flanked by both Petra and Saya and Lex conveniently sitting behind her presumably to bombard her with his unceasing stream of questions as Lin began his lecture

"The first World War was started by an armed teenager a Serbian peasant who decided to assassinate Archduke Franz Ferdinand and by this choice, my life led to a chain reaction that combined into two world wars, and the current Cold War..."

Aurelia then sees Brandy passing a note to Marcus out of the corner of her eye

Marcus' POV

This Nazi looking bitch passed a note to me in the middle of the lecture. Do I open it?

Just as I think about it I hear a loud thumb as Lin slams his staff down on the note pinning it to the desk swiftly

Oh crap

" Sorry I was-"

I was cut off by a sharp cracking sound as Lin's cane slammed into the bitch's nose breaking it for sure that's got to hurt

Back to Narrator POV

Aurelia watched smirking in satisfaction when the cane collided with Brandy's nose that bitch deserves it. Viktor had let out a low chuckle in the back of the class. However Aurie was only slightly deterred when Brandy's blood splattered on both Marcus and Aurelia before reading the note over Marcus' shoulder.

The note read "You're dead mutt"

Looking carefully back at the bigoted girl Marcus watched as she licked her fingers cleaning them of her own blood smiling psychotically

Master Lin oblivious of the effect his actions had had on Marcus (who was now almost shaking in fear) had continued his walk around the classroom before ending up at the front again Aurelia placed her hand on his shoulder reassuring Marcus even if it was less than 5 seconds of contact

"Now for your homework" Master Lin surveyed the class as he spoke

"Search the city for a target, someone who you think deserves to die and then kill them, dispose of the bodies and all evidence"

The bell then rang as the students started to file out of the classroom

Aurelia just sat their smiling to herself thinking about her target, she already had it

"Going after our killers are you?"

"Maybe" Aurelia said out loud to the figment of her brother that lingered in the corner


Once again Aurelia was rudely jolted out of her trance by Lin and Marcus who were both looking at her worriedly

"Oh for fucks sake what now?"

"You were literally talking to the wall" Marcus interrupted abruptly

"On contrary I was talking to someone very important to me about my target for this assignment" Aurelia glared up at the brown haired boy

"What yourself?" Marcus said raising an eyebrow

Aurelia had already begun to start formulating a reply which was quickly cut short by Lin rushing to her defence

"Kuroki take Lopez to Martial Arts will you"

"Of course" she then turned sharply on her heel Marcus having to take long strides to keep up with her

"Hey answer my question will you"

Catch me when I fallUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum