02: Dust

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I hate being dragged around the world, I hate being off my meds.

I have meds for a reason.

I am losing my mind with the world's weight on my shoulders.

The dust was everywhere, and I mean everywhere, I swear I found dirt in the pores of my skin for the next three years that was how dusty it was here. The heat was also killer and if it wasn't for the fact I was at war, I think I would just simply die.

We meet up with Farah again. I don't know what to feel about her, in one aspect she's pretty cool, maybe as cool as Arabella, but on the other hand she did withhold information. Alex? He's a great guy, but I don't know him.

I zoned out so often, that I am shocked I remembered any mission-critical stuff, but I did. We were searching for thaelab, the Fox in Arabic... I think I don't remember. I think he has some important ties to Makarov. At this point, their is are several groups chasing this man.

I took one nap and the moment I woke up they found the Fox, and he was in the interrogation room. I peer in to see the fox bloody, and Ghost and Price standing there. I look over to find Gaz and Soap listening in.

I am not above torturing others for information. I know it's inhumane but in a space of violence, I am not above it. I am not above being a monster. It's not the violence that gets to me, it's the scream— the sign of humanity.

I turn away and quickly walk off, I'm not in the right place to listen to someone scream, or the sound of flesh being destroyed. I took a quick shower changed and ate and by the time o was done, I found everyone huddled together.

"G your just in time." Soap said grimly.

"For what?" I ask looking around.

"War," Price grunts out. "The British parliament just announced that they will wage war if Russia doesn't apologize for the metro bombing. The US and UK will go to war." I sigh and look at the map of the world laid out, all the places Makarov hit were major places.

"This is so Cold War," I mutter and sigh.


"... This will spark World War Three— I got anyone out of the Fox?" I turn to Price and Ghost.


"It's like he knows our next move... or where we are."

"You think they a spy?" Alex asks his expression anxious.

It was like a light went on in my head. I look around a small smile creasing my lips. I shift my weight and open my mouth.

"They want to upset the delicate balance of the world— Farah I need to you find out if the is any corruption in the US government," I command the room.


"I need Laswell—"

"Gisele," I stop and look over to see Ghost stepping close to me. "Care to explain what's going on inside your mad mind?"

"Makarov wants to overthrow the balance of the world right?"

"Yeah," Gaz states with a little sass.

"I think I can bait another lead out of Makarov—"

"How?" Price asks.

"Through..." I sigh and push my hair back, "ruining both my parents' reputations..." I couldn't look any of them in the eyes.

"What are you saying?" Alex asks.

"I'm saying my parents are corrupt and bad, if this is made public and they're sent to trial Makarov will surely see it as a potential."

"Y/n this can ruin—"

"I am not my parents," I interrupted Price, "Laswell and I will use this to an advantage."

"You don't have to," Farah stepped forward, "he can bluff—"

"Farah no offense, I want to ruin my parents' lives," I said with a smile. All the years, all the dreams. I can finally taste freedom, taste blood. I am a vicious animal ready to eat my captured prey.

"Alright," Price spoke up, "Farah, Ghost, and I will go back to thaelab, Alex go with Gisele, and talk to Laswell." We nod and split up.

The three Sergeants looked at each other before turning to each other. "Do we follow her or..." Gaz asks, the noisy bitch in him wanted to follow after G.

Roach didn't even think he immediately followed after her, pulling out some gummies to eat. This is too juicy to miss out on. Soap and Gaz stared at each other before jogging after the mute.

"Laswell," I greet, her grim grainy image staring at me. "I need you to use your connection and maybe do something illegal." I begin, Laswell freezes and sighs.

"What is it?"

"I believe and most likely my Father, Kevin Gibson has been selling information to foreign government entities... And my mother, M/n L/n who... I believe killed my brother." My voice shakes.

I know Charlie's gone, I saw his body... I never realized a person can have so much blood, and I never knew how red blood gets. How his face was set in fear.

"And what is your goal?" Laswell's sharp voice pulls me from the memory of that hazy night.

"Makarov would love to see our nation fall, both my parents going down, especially around the same time could expose one of Makarov's loose ends. He got money and money talks." I explain.

"I'll look, however, this may not take us anywhere—"

"I am fully aware but my mother did commit the crime," I let out a shaky sigh the high of this moment seeping into my muscles and heart. I felt like an adrenaline junky. "I have proof, my mother is planning on being Vice President, that is a big deal, big enough for Makarov."

"Alright," Laswell spoke up and the call ended.

I look over to Alex who sits back and lets us talk, "How illegal is this?" I ask him.

"Highly, CIA doesn't investigate citizens however what you say is true the FBI will get involved." I nod and we both head out.

This is my queen's gambit.

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