However Farhan did not reply. He continued looking ahead on the road.

Qasim sighed and wished his friend a goodbye, which Farhan returned with a nonchalant adieu.

As soon as Qasim got down, Farhan zoomed his straight towards his home.

As his car speedily disappeared Qasim prayed that his friend would reach his home alive and uninjured. He then took a deep breath as he walked upsatirs. "Thank god atleast, I am safe"

On the other hand, some miles away, a woman was relentlessly throwing away books from a shelf. The huge pile of book that was continuously increasing as Urwa was throwing more books. This pile of books looked very much out of place in the enormous otherwise spotless living room. If you kept aside the pile of books, the living  room was exceptionally organized with everything in just its perfect place, with not even a speck of dust. It was almost a piece of art, with aesthetics done right.

Soon all the books from the shelf were on the floor. Urwa took a wipe cloth and vigorously started cleaning the glass sliding of the the shelf. It was already very clear, however the woman continued scrubbing it furiously.

For a moment she looked into the reflection that was casted on the glass. For a moment she saw another flickering reflection of a face, which immediately disappeared.

It was not a reflection, it was just her mind playing tricks. And she again vigorously started to clean the glass shelf. The reflection/image again flickered in front of her eyes and disappeared.

"No ! I don't want to think about you" Urwa screamed to herself or rather to the man in the reflection and banged her hand on the shelf very loudly. She then again started scrubbing the glass wall.

She was angry, resentful and sad.

"I don't want to see your face" she kept murmuring to herself.

Urwa was emotionally disturbed. Her unexpected meet  with Farhan had greatly disturbed her. The brief eye contact that she made with him, she couldn't believe that Farhan, her husband ,or maybe her ex-husband had suddenly appeared in front of her. It was as if that the small brief eye contact she made with him was leading to the break down of all the walls she had built inside her. Was she so sensitive , she questioned herself.

Today had already been a very difficult day for her too and she had gathered herself with a lot of courage, but a few minutes of mutual gaze with him was doing her more harm than she thought. She though she had moved on. Then why wasn't she able to divert her mind ?

Finally she left the scrub and sat down on the couch, with her hands on her head.

She was feeling sorrowful and uneasy. She was in turmoil. She couldn't understand why she was feeling so restless. She continued rubbing her head trying to figure out her emotions. She closed her eyes for a moment and took a deep breath, but it did not help her. Her mind was stuck on him. She was fidgeting with her hands and was extremely restless. "But why" she questioned herself. Her mind couldn't understand but her heart knew. If she would listen to her heart, she could decipher her emotions and her sorrow. But she did not want to listen to it, because that would require her to face the truth which she had been trying to escape.

No she was not a person that would run away from difficult situations, but thinking about Farhan made her heart both smile and ache at the same time. So She did not want to think about him. But she couldn't stop her mind from doing so.

She continued thinking as she laid on the couch, resting her head on the headrest. A strange longing that reflected in her eyes. The cheerful and bright smile, which always adorned her lips was no more there. It had been taken over by a grim and serious persona.

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