Two step

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Darrius p.o.v
In my basement with kyan and Quincy

Kyan; you know you can back out on this

Me: nah I'm good

Kyan: you sure you don't wanna fight me instead

Me: I'm sure I mean Quincy is kinda built like him

Kyan: but you don't know-

Quincy: imma go light on him ky

Kyan: you better bro

Quincy took his hoodie off and got into his fight stands

Quincy; this is how your supposed to stand

I stood in my position

Quincy: now swing

I swung on him and he grabbed the middle of my arm. He slid his foot and tripped me causing him to body slam me

Kyan: damn you good

Me: fuck my back

Quincy: when you swing don't look to the left always look at the nigga so you don't get snuck

Me: got it

I tried to get up but I was in pain

Quincy: we can stop if you-

Me: nah I'm good let's go again
End p.o.v

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