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Darrius p.o.v
I was standing in the lunch line behind Quincy and samaia

Samaia: can you move your hand off my back you keep poking me

Quincy: my hands are in my pocket

He looked down at her and smirked

Samaia: oh my-

Quincy: (laughing) your face is redder than a tomato

She walked over to me

Me: you good

Samaia: I had to move cause this one keeps bothering me

Quincy: I mean your always bothering me

Samaia: no I don't

Quincy: you liked me for what 6 years and you still lowkey be stalking me and hitting me

Samaia: and you be putting your hands on me like I'm a rag doll or something

You could feel the sexual tension between them it was thick

Quincy: well maybe if you wasn't annoying and childish I would actually treat you better

Samaia: fuck you

Quincy: I know you want to just say when

She gave him the finger and walked off

Me: that wasn't cool man

Quincy: control your friend bro
End p.o.v

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