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Dietrich Ernst was a man who had served Marquis Linke for a long time in many fashions. He had watched how Marquis Linke used people on the battlefield. Marquis Linke only melted like butter for his daughter.
The reason Marquis Linke survived the battlefield for such a long time and commanded his soldiers until he turned gray was his relentless nature rather than his physical ability. Marquis Linke had no hesitation in writing off knights and was a man who knew how to place soldiers in the right place.
But how about his daughter?
Dietrich looked at the woman in front of him who had grown up as a childhood friend.
Reinhardt Delphina Linke, who was given a name given only to the heir of the Linke family. Marquis Linke also had the name Reinhardt, so she should have been called Delphina, but Marquis Linke wanted her to be called Reinhardt by abandoning his own name.
So, how dignified and honored Reinhardt was when she wore the Crown Princess' tiara. She grew up so loved. Dietrich still remembered how she looked from behind when she walked into the palace for the wedding.
But even though she was dignified and honored, she did not become stronger.
In the worst case, during the days of the Crown Prince, would the wench who framed her not be killed, but simply chased away? So, Dietrich was skeptical when he heard that Reinhardt had stabbed the prince in the leg. Because he knew she wasn't the kind of person who could do that.
This, of course, was due to the fact that Dietrich did not know that Reinhardt had come to life once again.
But when Dietrich came to the Luden estate, he found that Reinhardt was still the woman he knew.
Because of Wilhelm.
He had heard that a boy with that name saved Reinhardt's life as he came to Luden.
Of course, Dietrich didn't even know that boy was Bill Colonna. So it seemed to him that Reinhardt was simply paying off a debt to the child who saved her life. However, it was too much for Reinhardt to embrace him. She cared for and loved Wilhelm like a little brother.
'If you look into at those young eyes properly for one day, you will never be able to do that.'
That beast with black eyes and black hair. As if to prove that human babies are not raised but born, his eyes gleamed from time to time. Dietrich didn't like Wilhelm because of the boy's eyes.
Dietrich was sure Wilhelm would be a great knight in the future.
He could see that just by looking at the boy. Touching Wilhelm's frame, Dietrich had no doubt that the boy would probably be a hand wider in the shoulders and have much larger build than even Dietrich, had the boy grown properly. Bad luck only hindered the boy's growth.
But Dietrich couldn't like him apart from the certainty that the boy would make a great knight. The boy's eyes turned toward Reinhardt whenever he had a chance. Reinhardt looked at Wilhelm as if he were a puppy, but the boy's eyes were different.
'Those are the eyes of a greedy beast.' Dietrich thought.
While working as a knight for the Marquis of Linke, as an influential figure in the capital, Dietrich met more than one greedy person.
There were many who were crazy about women and sported their lower body anywhere; those who only trained all day because of their greed for the sword; and those who didn't mind killing people because of greed for money. But there was something they had and Wilhelm didn't.
Those greedy people had more important things than women, swords, and money. That was themselves.
No matter how good a woman was, if their lower body was in danger of being cut off, they would lose their desire; and if there was a guy who was greedy for training, so it goes without saying that they were trying to become better so not to die. Even if they were a man who killed people because of greed for money, they would not put their life in danger no matter how much money.
But Wilhelm was different.
Dietrich still remembered the reindeer hunt.
It was not easy for Dietrich and his party to camp in the deep snow, where they had sunk in to the mid-thighs. Eventually, they managed to find a small cave and make a fire. It was Wilhelm who poked the thigh of Dietrich, who was on watch, and approached him. Wilhelm asked Dietrich:
<Does Halsey hate Alutica?>
He only thought that the story of Halsey, the goddess of vengeance, and her younger brother, Alutica, left a deep impression on him. Dietrich scratched his chin in reply.
<Aye. Since Halsey is Alutica's older sister, would she have liked her younger brother anyway? She must have hated it because he kept disturbing her.>
<But Alutica likes Halsey.>
This child. Dietrich chuckled.
<I guess so. So Anilac must have been born.>
<Anilac... ... .>
Wilhelm, who muttered Anilac's name, asked again after a while.
<And after Anilac is born?>
<Ah. Do you want to hear what happens next?>
Dietrich readily answered.
<Halsey was very busy being the goddess of vengeance. There was no end to the people who wished for revenge. However, immediately after giving birth to the young Anilac, she took care of Anilac for one hundred days. And she entrusted the child to Alutica. It took another hundred days to get to Alutica's castle. Then Halsey left.>
<... ... Because she hated Alutica?>
<Yes. But Halsey was terribly in love only with Anilac, who had come out of her womb. So every year she went to Alutica's castle to see Anilac and stayed there for a hundred days. Of course, she didn't even look at Alutica. Halsey never really liked men. The reason she became a goddess of vengeance was because she was betrayed by a human man.>
Thus, a second son, Calon of Summer, was born.
As for the reason why the summer was terribly hot and the rain was constant, people say it is because of the tears of Halsey, who once again gave in to Alutica and gave birth to a child with him. But in the end, Halsey fell in love with Alutica, who placed all his heart into her. The third daughter she gave birth to was Autumn, Galactia. Galactia became Alutica's most beloved daughter and became a goddess who embraced her father's wealth.
However, wasn't this too provocative a story to tell for this little boy?
Dietrich thought so and lit the fire. It was a story he had heard often when he was young, but actually, when he thought about it as he got older, there was no other story like this. Then Wilhelm murmured.
<... ... Alutica had... ... >
<Alutica had Halsey anyway. Isn't that enough?>
At that, Dietrich frowned.
<What's so good about that? The girl you like will look at you as if you were vermin.>
<... ... It doesn't matter.>
It doesn't matter what? He's talking as if he was Alutica—but Dietrich stopped laughing at the moment he was about to say it.
It was because the eyes of the boy who looked at the fire and muttered, "It won't matter." And Dietrich certainly knew who the boy saw when he had those eyes.
His liege who was once the Crown Princess.
The boy trembled when he saw the wounded and ferocious reindeer, but the moment Dietrich held the axe and said, 'I'll give it to the Viscountess', his gaze changed.
Wilhelm cut off the head of the reindeer wriggling and rolling on its front paws with the axe in one blow. It was incredible.
Wilhelm was different from those who have given up greed for their own comfort. Outwardly, he looked nice and serious, but the greed in Wilhelm's eyes was blind, and he had no sense of measure.
When Reinhardt held him in her arms and tamed him, he acted like a gentle lamb, but once in a while his eyes overflowed with greed. When Dietrich pulled the boy out of her arms, he spat poison. If Wilhelm had desire in his eyes when he saw Reinhardt, he looked at Dietrich with jealousy.
Dietrich was thus able to handle Wilhelm with great ease. Wilhelm used to get up and cry with a few words when Reinhardt mentioned Dietrich. The reason he broke five wooden swords was purely because Wilhelm couldn't defeat Dietrich. When Wilheim got out of the match against Dietrich, he swung his sword over and over without sleeping.
It was amazing.
After training like that, it was natural for his skills to improve and his body to grow.
'Being a great knight is probably a natural consequence, just as one plus one equals two.'
It was sometimes creepy to see him growing so venomously, just to beat Dietrich. Those were things that Reinhardt, who was obsessed with the affairs of the realm, and who only gazed at Wilhelm adoringly, could not grasp. Only Dietrich, who was constantly watching Wilhelm from the side, noticed.
So Dietrich felt that Wilhelm had to be separated from Reinhardt.
Now, a newborn duckling cannot grow up simply looking at its mother duck blindly. If you separate them, they will mature and then they will be able to desire other things.
The boy must have thought: 'You saved my life, and no one has ever loved me, so I'm not loving you blindly.'
Perhaps it would be better if he separated they boy from Reinhardt a bit—and just as he was thinking that, the conscription order arrived. Dietrich thought this might be an opportunity. Of course, it was very unfortunate for the Luden estate.
Reinhardt was too soft to use people. And Wilhelm only stared at Reinhardt.
"I will take him to Nathantine. The required guards will thus be only fifteen people. If you tell them you're going to hire out a mercenary and ask for a compromise on the number of people hired, they'll probably accept it."
Dietrich said so confidently, thinking that he could somehow do both at the same time with this conscription order.
Reinhardt frowned.
'He is such a pretty child. It must be difficult for her to accept the fact of sending a child to war right away.'
However, Dietrich vaguely knew what Reinhardt ultimately dreamt of. Revenge on Michel.
Reinhardt was pushed out of the spotlight and found herself alone in the remote mountains of the Northeast. In order for her to approach Michel Alanquez at the center and successfully take revenge, she must put tender emotions such as affection aside.
However, what came out of Reinhardt's mouth the next moment was far beyond Dietrich's expectations.
"That's not good enough. How much is the rental fee for one mercenary?"
"... ... Yes?"
Reinhardt narrowed her eyes and said.
"As you said, Dietrich, if Wilhelm really does the job of a knight, we should not be satisfied with compromises. Rather, I think we can get Raylan Marsh."
A laugh escaped Dietrich's lips.
It was because the reason why his liege inherited the name Reinhardt now was self-evident. The coolness of Hugh Linke, and even the calculation–Reinhardt had it all.

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