Chapter 1

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"Kids take care of eachother and i don't want to hear anyone complaint because of you all, specially you Ronald."  Mother warned us and We nod our head while gluping.

Our Fourth year started in Hogwarts and right now after bidding good bye to our parents me, twins, Ron and Ginny went inside the train.

"I'm going to sit with Luna and Neville. bye guys" Ginny said and went from there, the twins were already left, it's now me and Ron looking for our friends. When a guy bumped into me by which our balance disbalanced and we fall on the floor. I tightly closed my eyes and grabbed the person tightly I was under them, I slowly open my eyes with their.

"Matteo." I whispered still my hands on his chest and his my waist. He look in my eyes and get off from me immediately.

"Watch where you going Weasley." He split on my face.

"Mind your tongue riddle. It's not her fault, you bumped into her." Ron said picking me up from the ground i groan  as my back of the head hurt.

"You okay?" Ron asked, I nod my head.

"Fucking weak!" He bitterly utters making fun of me and give me a smirk. I look down tear in my eyes.

"You-" Ron about to Attack him but i stop him and drag him with me.

"Nowadays Weasley are being Agressive!" Matteo shouts from behind laughing.

"Why did you stop me, That Jerk is talking to much." Ron asked

"Ron, watch your mouth." I warn him

"What? He deserves this." Ron reply

"No Ron, if someone is wrong we can't be like them. We need to change them not ourselves." I said, opening the door of the compartment and finding our friends inside.

"Hey!" I greet them

"Hii" they both said in the same time, they look at Ron in the confusion who just entered without saying anything and sit on the window seat looking out.

"What happen to him?" Hermione asked.

"Nothing much, just a small incident." I said

"NOTHING MUCH! Are you serious that Matteo riddle insults you, hurt you and you says nothing much. How can you forgive him so easily." Ron yell

"What!" Harry and Hermione asked shouting.

"Guys it's nothing really Ron is overreacting. You know how is Slytherins." I said trying to relax them.

"Fine you say so but if he ever does this again then no one will save him from me." Ron said clenching his teeth. I nod my head and close my eyes putting my head on Hermione' lap.

"Wake me up when we reach." I told her

"Ummhmm" she replied

"Y/n-Y/n wake up, we're gonna arrive in a few minutes." Hermione wakes me up more shaking like I am dead.

"I'm up mione, I'm up...oh god you scared the shit out of me." I said placing hand on my chest. Looking like i just see a ghost.

"Oops... sorry i didn't mean to scare you." She said but not looking apologetic, taking her bag from the shelf.

"Yeah yeah, i know." I said and rolled my eyes at her drama self.

"Y/n, where is your locket?" Harry asked looking at my neck then me.

"What are you saying it's here-" i stop in the middle when I touch my neck for the locket that was not there anymore.

"Oh no! where does it go?" I asked being Terrified of the thought that I lost it.

"I think when you bumped into that riddle. The locket must be fall somewhere there." Ron said thinking, for the first time he said something logical.

"Hmm we shall go and find there." Hermione said and We nod to her


"Yeah yeah i know it should be here but not it's not." Ron said.

"What if i can't able to find it. Percy give me his locket that he loves more than anything only because he wants me to wear something that is close to his heart." I said and sit on the ground grabbing my hair.

"It's okay Y/n, we will find it." Harry said looking down at me.

"It must be Riddle's work. He took the locket." Ron hissed. I think for a while and stand up from the ground.

"Hermione come with me." I said taking her hand in mine and went for Slytherin's compartment without saying a word to the boys.

"You sure he took that?" Hermione asked.

"I don't know and I hope he didn't but if he do then I'm not going to leave him." I said, but deep down I know I can do nothing and the reason is I'm a damn big introvert who can't stand for herself and always need someone to talk by her side and that is also a reason that i am taking Hermione with me.

"Mione you go first." I said to her she nod her head know what i mean.

She opened the door, I stood beside her more like behind her. When everyone's goes on us.

"What?" Pansy question

"Mattheo did you TAKE Y/n's Locket?" She asked looking at mattheo, ignoring Pansy. Well to be honest she deserves this because she always interfere in other's business.

"Who give you the permission to talk to him like that mudblood!" Draco hissed

Wait what did he just call her.

"Watch your mouth Malfoy." I hiss back coming out from Hermione's behind.

"Oh blood taritor is also present here." Pansy said thinking she is being cool by adding her nose in other conversations.

"Will you please shut up pug face." Mione said and I chuckled feeling proud on MY mione.

As an introvert I feel anxious to talk with people but when I get angry i don't know how but I can easily express my anger on people mostly who insult and hurt the people i love the most.

"I have that locket of yours." Matteo said getting up from his seat.

"Then give it back." Hermione order but that Riddle smirk and look at me up to down i grab mione's hand feeling uncomfortable by his graze.

"I want to talk with her in private." He demand.

"What?! No way, she is not going anywhere with you." She declined.

"I am not asking you and if she wants this then...." He said showing the locket, Hermione tries to get it from his hand but he pulls it up as he is tall so it's impossible to get the locker from his grip.

"I am asking for the last time yes or no?" He asked raising his one eyebrow while looking at me like he don't want to hear a no.

I nervously bit my lips and look up at him.

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