Flashbacks. Did that fucking asshole hurt her?

"If it's okay I'd like to stay, if they happen once they will most likely happen again." Her voice is quiet and you would not be able to recognise her personality if you only knew the Liliana I knew before tonight.

"Of course you can stay here. The guest bedroom can be set up for you now." Ana smiles sliding her black heels off.

"I don't— I— please can I stay with you." Her head slightly nods towards me and my heart beats at 40mph.

She's choosing to stay with me? Is this really happening right now?

"Of course you can... Please tell me you're a cheese lover." I tilt my head back and sprinkle some cheese into my mouth trying to make this conversation a little more happier.

Liliana stands up and walks her beautiful little self over towards me taking a handful of cheese and placing it on her tongue.

This is not the time to be sexy for fuck sake.

"Well lovebirds, I'm going to bed shout me if you need anything. I mean it." Ana points between me and Liliana as we both scowl at her.

Liliana decided she didn't want sandwiches and is now making me watch her eat boxed Mac n cheese at 3.45 am.

The things you do for the girl you like.

"Do you want some?" She smiles softly, I know she doesn't want to give me any so it's a good job I actually don't want any.

Don't piss off hungry women.

"I'm okay pretty girl. Once you've finished we can go to bed hmm?" The pretty girl honestly slipped out, Liliana could see the panic on my face.

"Yes, bed sounds good." Her little giggle makes me want to record her every single movement she makes and have it as my alarm, ringtone and all my Spotify playlists.

The hold she has on me.

"Are you sure you want to stay with me?" Her fork sets down telling me she's finished.

"I'd like that, I just don't want to be alone. If I'm alone my father always makes his appearances in my head and in my dreams. Being with someone normally solves that."

I genuinely think my heart just broke again. The tone of her voice tells me that those dreams are the only reason she's here tonight. But a part of me hopes it's also because she wants to be.

"I'll always be here Liliana. I know it's not the greatest of times to mention this but one day when you decide to forgive me for the way I acted that night, I promise you I will not leave your side until one of us is on our fucking death bed.

No matter how much you hate me you shall never get rid of me. Now how does sleep sound?"

Liliana's face had dropped, she didn't expect those words from me. Especially not tonight.

"Issac." She stands up and holds out her hand for me to take but I hesitate because I can't tell if she's fucking with me or not. "I forgive you."

Before I could say anything Liliana tuts and grabs my arm placing my hand in hers. "Come on stupid." Still my sassy girl even when she's not feeling good.

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