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                            Next morning

Eun-ah was about to go out when jun call  her name " Eun-ah breakfast is ready " she glance at him and said " I don't have time " saying that she left from there

                          Seoul station.

Eun-ah entered meeting room " sorry am late " she said taking seat " finally Ms song is here so let's start the meeting" Mr Kim said

" So yesterday they found dead bodies of two high school students and few days ago they found body of one boy near arcade and the most highlighted thing is that they all are students " Eun-ah nodded writing important points

" I want you to solve this case song " Mr Kim said this to Eun-ah " ofc I will do my best to solve this case "

" And in this case Mr Choi will be your partner "

A man entered the meeting room he was so damn charming

                       Lee sang-yi as Choi San

" Hello everyone "  he said with a smile " so song he will be your new partner " saying that all left the meeting room

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" Hello everyone "  he said with a smile " so song he will be your new partner " saying that all left the meeting room

" Coming right after your marriage must be tough right Mrs Lee "

" You can call me song only and for me my job is more important than this marriage so let's get back to work "

                            3rd person pov

" So you saying Eun-ah isn't talking properly with you "  young-do said he is jun's best friend " yes she said she will never accept me as husband "  he nodded " its okay give her time she will soon accept you okay "


" So we have lead that his target is mainly students right "? Eun-ah asked San " yes so let's go to arcade first "


A truck stopped Infront of house a girl stepped out with a smile they came from Jeju island to Seoul " wow finally new house " saying that she went directly towards her room " it's lovely not regretting coming here "  with that she started unpacking her stuff few hours later her mom call her name " Eun-ah come and eat dinner

                        Dinning hall

" Mom can I go out for sometime " her mom shook her head " No it's getting dark outside "

" Mom am not kid please "  she said with puppy eyes " its okay you can go ik my daughter is brave and strong " her dad said


She stop infront of arcade she was staring it when she heard " you going in or planning to stay outside staring it whole night "

She stop infront of arcade she was staring it when she heard " you going in or planning to stay outside staring it whole night "

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She was stunned looking him he is so damn handsome that what she thought " ik am handsome "

"Huh"? He chuckle " every girl say this that am handsome so let's go " they both went in he saw his friends sitting there " hey guys meet my new friend um " he looked at her " song Eun-ah " one of his friend laugh " you don't even know your friends name "

" We just met outside that's why " his friend left to play games when Eun-ah looked at him and said " so we are friends now ?" He smile "than let's become so hey am Kim ho-jin "

" So you new here " she nodded " yes we came from Jeju island today " they both become close just in short time

" I never thought that one stranger will become someone special to me this soon"..

Haunted love                                        ( Once We Used To Be Lovers)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu