Trying To Still Be Good

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We're all off today and I woke up in the worst mood I've been in a very long time. All I know is I gotta get Gionna out of the house so she doesn't worry about me. I texted Alex and told him to come over. He said he didn't want to so I told him if he didn't then the next time I saw him, it wasn't gonna be a fun time for him. So Mercy and the boy wonder are on the way over.

I get up and got dressed and Gionna knows something's up. My baby is brilliant and she knows when something is wrong. She hasn't been poking at me to get me to spill though. She's just been giving me space which I really appreciate. When Mercy and the boy walked in, I stood up and hugged Mercy tight.

Mercy: Hey bubba.

Me: Hey sissy.

Gionna hugged Mercy before standing by my side. I reach into my back pocket and pull out my wallet. I take out my card and all the cash I have before handing it to Gionna.

Me: Y'all go have a girls day. I don't care what Y'all do or where Y'all go or how much you spend. Y'all just go have some fun.

Mercy smiled at me before we hugged.

Mercy: Thanks bubba.

Me: Don't mention it.

I then hugged Gionna. She whispered in my ear.

Gionna(Whispering): Thank you Daddy~

Me: No problem princess.

Gionna and I kissed before they went to leave.

Me: I love Y'all.

Mercy: I love you too bubba.

Gionna: I love you too Puddin.

They're out the door and close it behind them before going back and sitting in my Angry Chair. I recline it and cross my legs as Alex sits on my couch. I didn't speak to him for an hour and just listened to the music I had going. Finally Alex started trying to talk to me.

Alex: Bro?

Me: Mm...

Alex: You good?

Me: Mhm...

Alex: No you're not. What's up?

I didn't respond.

Alex: Bro what's up?

Me: Leave it alone.

Alex: Say what's on your mind.

Me: Let it float in the air and dissappear.

Alex: Come on bro talk to me. Are you worried about your new angle?

I finally had enough of him bothering me. I hopped up and grabbed him by his shirt collar and snatched him up. I spoke slowly and quietly.

Me: Leave. Me. The. Fuck. Alone. Understand?

He nods frantically before I throw him back down on the couch. I go sit back down in my chair.

*Later That Day, With Gionna And Mercy*

Gionna and Mercy are in a store at the mall looking through racks of clothes. Mercy sees how Gionna has started to get quiet so she finally asks about it.

Mercy: What's up girl?

Gionna: Oh nothing...

Mercy: G girl lie to somebody else. Something's up. Talk to me girl.

Gionna: I'm just worried about J...

Mercy: You saw how he was acting too huh? Have you never seen him have a bad day?

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