It All Comes To A Head

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It's been a crazy few weeks since money in the bank. Other than FaceTime and a few live events, I haven't really seen Gio which sucks. I snuck out during one of the events and watched her match at the Tech Area. I was able to snap a photo of her. I was looking at it later and saw something interesting so I posted it.

*The Post*

@datboyjj: So proud of my Babygirl😍😍 I wasn't paying attention when I took this but when I looked at it, I noticed somethin

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@datboyjj: So proud of my Babygirl😍😍 I wasn't paying attention when I took this but when I looked at it, I noticed somethin...and the words of @deandrehopkins "WTF YOU LOOKIN AT!?" @rondarousey

@rondarousey: @datboyjj What? I didn't do anything wrong...she has a nice ass. It's the only really nice thing about her.

@datboyjj: Ik you fuckin lying🤣🤣 @rondarousey

@rondarousey: @datboyjj I'm not though. I've got a way better body then her. Btw if you want a really good time, I'm in room 254😉

@datboyjj: @rondarousey well 10 bucks and bus rate sounds like a very doable rate and it is, BUT I really don't feel like spending hours in the doctors office and thousands of dollars to get rid of anal lice.

@yaonlylivonce: @datboyjj Baby don't be mad. She is right about 1 thing, I do have a great ass.

That waste of space Rousey is gonna cause problems, I just know it.

*Extreme Rules 2022*

I just lost my U.S title to Theory so I can go to Smackdown because apparently they have something planned for me over there. I'm just happy I get to be around Gi more. Speaking of which, she just greeted me at the curtain and hugged me.

Me: Babe I'm all sweaty and nasty. You're about to go out there.

Liv gave me a loving kiss.

Liv: I'm so proud of you Honey Bunny. Hey atleast now we can be together more.

I smiled at her.

Me: You're right babygirl. I love you.

Liv: I love you more Daddy.

When she walked past me, I slapped her ass. I didn't even turn around when I said one last thing to her as I walked out.

Me: Goodluck Princess.

I walked back to catering to go hang with The Addams family...I mean Alex and Leah and watch Gi work. As they were working, I really couldn't watch it because I know that moron can't work normally. You add weapons into the mix and it's way worse. I was honestly so glad when it was over. That match honestly really pissed me off because Gio worked her ass off to get that run and it should've went a lot longer. I went to Gorilla and carried her back to our table in catering.

Alex: Sorry Gio.

Leah: Yeah sorry GiGi.

Liv: It's okay guys. Baby I noticed you've been very quiet. Are you mad at me?

Me: Fuck no, I'm not mad at you babygirl. I'm so proud of you.

I leaned over and kissed her.

Me: I'm mad at the booking but not at you.

Ronda walks in all smiles. Christ that can cause nightmares.

Ronda: Thanks for keeping my seat warm Gi.

I let out a long exhale to try to keep my emotions in check.

Liv: Great match Ronda.

Ronda: Yeah because of me.

I growned and Alex picked up on it.

Alex: Ronda stop.

Ronda: What I'm not doing anything other then saying the truth.

I'm rubbing my hands up and down my thighs which is a tic I've done since I was little. I do it when I'm really mad and can't say or do anything about it.

Alex: Ronda I'm telling you right now, it's best if you leave.

Ronda: Why are they mad they lost tonight? Listen Marks like I said a few years ago, it's FAKE.

My eyes popped out of my mind. Gio kissed my cheek to try to calm me down.

Ronda: Awe did I hurt your little feelings? Why don't you go to your brother or your "Uncle" Layne and cry to them, neck beard.

Alex: Oh Good Lord.

Ronda: Oh that's right you can't because they're dead.

Alex: Girls come on.

Alex grabs the girls and gets them out of catering. I look up and say in my head, "Father forgive me for what I'm about to do." I took a deep breath before looking at that thing.

Me: You really are that fucking stupid aren't you? Let me explain to you, you stupid fuckin waste of space. You not only spoke about the one thing I love in this world. You disrespected the woman I want to spend the rest of my life with and the men that shaped me. Not only those 3 but you ran your dick licker about the wrestling fans, that included my grandmother who was more of a woman on her worst day then you are on your best day. She helped raised me when she didn't have too and never bitched or complained unlike other people here.

I try to keep control as I continue.

Me: You make me physically fuckin ill. You really thought I'd cheat on Gio with anyone let alone your Sloth from Goonies looking ass? There isn't a fuckin chance. I've been more turned on by lookin at the "Nun" movie then your fucking ass. I have fuckin standards that's why I wouldn't touch you with a 400 foot pole. Fuck I honestly don't see how anyone could get hard enough to fuck you and yet your still the first inductee in the truck stop hooker hall of fame. Somehow if we stuck as many dicks on you as in you, you'd still look like a porcupine.

I have to not look at her as I continue.

Me: You still ask the same question after sex, "Are you all from the same team?" I'm still suprised there hadn't been a leak of you with a blow up sheep! Because even a self respecting living sheep wouldn't want Ronda Rousey to fuck it! You're voice is flatter then you're body from the side view. You wanna talk about Layne and Justin? Let's talk about em. Those two accomplished more in 30 and 34 years then you could in your entire miserable life. You talk about how your mom made you work hard with a busted knee to make you tougher? That just proves you're not the only one in your family who needs a fucking helmet.

Finally Alex comes back and starts trying to drag me away so I hurry up and finish.

Me: I'm making it a misson now in my life. You're gonna go before me even if I have to make it to 100 just so I can stand there and take a wizz on your fuckin Tumbstone BITCH, FUCK YOU!

Finally Alex drags me away to the car. I get one last jab in.

Me: And if Glass Jaw Gary has a problem, hand him his little marbles and tell him to come holla at me.

I get in the back with Gio before laying my head in her lap as we drive to the hotel. Once we get to the hotel and in our room, Gio and I strip down before laying down. Gio lays on top of me before grabbing my hands and putting them on her ass.

Liv: Daddy~

Me: Yeah Princess?

Liv: She really hurt my butt tonight, can you pwetty pwease rub it and make it better~

I kissed her head.

Me: That stupid fuckin bitch. Of course I'll take care of you babygirl.

Gio smiled and kissed me before laying her head on my chest and kissed it.

Liv: Thank you~ I love you Daddy.

Me: No problem princess. I love you too.

I rubbed her ass until we both fell asleep after a very long, mentally and physically exhausting day.

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