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*A Few Weeks Later*

Yeah this still sucks. I still feel bad, I just want to be alone. There's no fun, there's no enjoyment, it's jusbt killing time. The lights, TV, phone stay off. The door stays locked. I only drink soda. I'm not eating anything, maybe once every 2 days MAYBE. I mainly either sleep or stare into the darkness. I don't even know why anyone comes to the door anymore, they should have figured out by now that I'm not going to answer it.

I haven't even seen or spoken to Gionna. I've always gotten this burst of happiness just thinking about her but I just can't find it. I don't want to look at another person and I don't want someone to look at me. I finally turn my phone on to send one message to Hunter.

*My Message To Hunter*

Me: Give me my release. Don't ask any questions. I'm done.

After I hit send, I turn my phone right back off and throw it in my closet.

*A Few Weeks Later*

My phone is still off in the closet where I threw it after I texted Hunter. I finally went and found it. I turned it on only to check what Hunter texted back.

Hunter: Okay kid if that's wat u really want, consider it done. Just know that we all support you. If you feel like you want help then feel free to text me and we'll pay for it.

Yeah right. If I beat this, I'm gonna do it by myself. I check twitter because I couldn't possibly get more upset then I already am right? Then I stumbled across a tweet.

*The Tweet*

Yaonlylivonce: I really miss him🥺🥺

I just turn my phone back off and get rid of it

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I just turn my phone back off and get rid of it.

*With Gionna*

Gionna is called into Hunter's office before she sits down and they have a conversation.

Hunter: Hey Liv I was just wanting to have a little chat.

Liv: What's up Hunter?

Hunter: Have you heard from JJ?

Liv: No...

Hunter: I was just curious if you have. He texted me about 3 weeks ago and told me he wants his release. I'm just touching base with you and letting you know we gave it to him.

Liv: Thanks Hunter.

After she leaves Hunters office, Gionna went and found Alex and Leah. She wraps them up in a bear hug while she cries.

Alex: Woah Gio what's going on?

Leah: Yeah you know you can talk to us. What's goin on girlie?

Liv: H-He asked for his release...

Leah: J did?

Alex: Yeah he did.

Leah: Have either of you heard from him?

Alex: No. Gio?

Liv: No...

Alex: Okay this is bad. He's ignored me before but he's never ignored Gio.

Liv: I just don't know what I did to him. If he would tell me, I'd fix it in a heartbeat. I miss him so much. I love him. I want to be with him forever.

Alex: GiGi you didn't do anything. He's been through and buried so much that it's finally come to the surface. It's nothing against you Gio I promise. He just deals with things his own way. All we can do is wait it out, he may be gone for a little while but He'll be back eventually.

*6 Months Later*

I haven't texted or called a single person. I haven't gone outside. I have all my needs like food and drinks delivered and left outside my front door. I got tired of my long hair touching my shoulders so I shaved it.

I still don't watch TV or listen to music

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I still don't watch TV or listen to music. I'm once again a ghost. I haven't talked to Alex, Leah or Gionna in 6 months. I really don't plan to either. I have no clue if Alex and Leah are still together, if they are then cool. If they aren't then cool. It's not my business if they are or aren't. I have no clue about Gio either. If she isn't with someone cool but if she is then that's perfectly fine. It don't bother me in the slightest.

Okay are we done now? Have you gotten all you need? Can I go be alone again? Yeah thanks, bye.

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